
Friday, July 28, 2006

Floyd's Look

Here's the thing about Floyd: he doesn't look guilty. Look at him in this picture, taken at today's press conference in Madrid. He looks confident. He's wearing the backwards cap just like always and he's smiling confidently, not sheepishly. He looks sure of himself. That says a lot, I think.

Here's the other thing about Floyd: he grew up in Pennsylvania. That's my home state. Pennsylvania boys don't cheat.


  1. Anonymous11:29 AM

    David- another thing arguing in Floyd's favor is his open database of training rides and races. Floyd races with a PowerTap hub that measures his wattage as he rides. Posted up at Pez cycling news is the following story (about 2/3 of the way down:

    In a nutshell, it compares Floyds stage 17 performance with data from a training ride, demonstrating his ability to sustain the kind if watts over time performance in more than one instance. According to his physiologist, all of Landis' power data is available at, but no link is provided and I haven't gone fishing for it myself.

  2. Anonymous2:57 PM

    He tested positive for high levels of an artifical substance, twice. It doesn't matter if his performance was consistent, or anything else.

    what matters is whether or not he broke the rules. hundreds and hundreds of other riders did the same tests, and passed. he did not.
