
Thursday, December 13, 2007

"Death to Corals"

Today Science has a paper on corals, basically, that there aren't going to be any for much longer. Scientists are calling for "immediate action" to prevent their deaths, but of course that isn't going to happen. We just do not care. We don't. Let's face it.

Here's why I don't think there will be a science debate: science appears nowhere in the top seven topics that people say they care about. People, and the press, seem much more interested in which magic-man-in-the-sky a candidate believes in than anything having to do with the larger forces shaping our world.

Why, if you were a candidate looking at this data, would you agree to a debate about science?

1 comment:

  1. Scientists are calling for "immediate action" to prevent their deaths, but of course that isn't going to happen. We just do not care. We don't. Let's face it.

    Yup. And when the few who care say something, the reply is "alarmist!" or "Chicken Little!" or some such.

    Will we wake up in time for a soft landing, or will we have a (likely) hard landing?


