
Thursday, January 03, 2008

Huckabee Wins Iowa

It is unfortunate to see that Huckabee has won the Iowa Republican caucus. His religious pandering is so obvious and so obnoxious that I really thought people would see through it. But now it appears to be exactly what many of them want.

We -- and the world -- cannot afford another...idiot...who thinks the world was created 6,000 years ago, that humans were put here to exploit the earth, and that some magic man in the sky is personally pulling for him. I grew up thinking that the ultimate triumph would go to reason and enlightenment, but the older I (and the U.S.) get, the more it looks likes another dark age may well be looming. As I said before, this is turning into a pretty lousy century.

PS: Of course, I'm not a Republican -- let alone an evangelical -- and never would be. Obama or Edwards or Clinton could still win come November. I just... don't understand people.

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