
Thursday, January 03, 2008

Portland's 2007 weather

According to the statistics from the National Weather Service, Portland (OR) was +0.37°F (+0.21°C) above the long-term (1971-2000) average.

The high temperature for the year was 102°F (7/10/07), and the low temperature was 19°F (1/15/07).

Total rainfall was 32.13 inches, 5.05 inches below average.

Number of cloudy days was 249, where the average is 223.

It rained on 57% of the days.

1 comment:

  1. There was a recent UW study that found increasing cloudy days in Cascadia, due to the increased incidence of heat lows in Columbia Basin, which have the effect of increasing the ocean-Cascades gradient & pulling in more maritime air. So the cloudy days number is also consistent with projections.


