
Thursday, January 10, 2008


I am absolutely sick of every pundit in this country, the Sullivans and Yglesias's and Klein's and Freddoso's and every other idiot who changes their minds every half-hour over the latest blip of a candidate's poll.

Here's the latest embarrassment from Andrew Sullivan. Now he's apparently for Fred Thompson. A few days ago he seemed to be for Barack Obama, because he was temporarily on-top, even though Obama is a liberal and Sullivan is supposed to be a conservative. It didn't seem to matter -- Obama was interesting. And then it was McCain. Lots of rationalizations throughout, of course. Now we're back to Thompson, a loser if there ever was one. It doesn't matter -- people are talking about him in the last 6 hours. So might as well go with it.

Such dishonestly. Such pandering for blog hits. Such an embarrassment. And this is supposed to part of America's intelligentsia??

1 comment:

  1. David -

    Are you familiar with "Why America's Top Pundits are Wrong"? It's a book by a group of anthropologists trying to bring actual social science into the sciency-sounding but false themes of America's punditocracy:
