
Saturday, August 16, 2008

Suspicious Graphs

This is something suspicious about this graph that Marlo Lewis gave on Planet Gore last week:

The red and orange lines are predicted by IPCC models with standard economic scenarios. The yellow line is the IPCC prediction with no further emissions, just committed warming. The blue and green lines are actual temperature data.

Except the IPCC lines are smoothed, decadal predictions (see IPCC WG1 4AR Appendix 3.A p 336). The actual temperature data appear to be yearly results, not decadally smoothed. You can't compare them at all.

I wonder how this chart would look if the actual data were decadally smoothed as well.

1 comment:

  1. Golly - Marlo Lewis's employer, CEI, making funny graphs? Whoda thunk it.


