
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Oliver, Day 3

Thanks very much for all the advice about taking care of my 5-week old kitten, Oliver (was "Anton," but that misfired; he also goes by "Junior"). It's been very helpful. He's definitely clingy and prefers to stay as close to me as possible. He's eating canned kitten food and special kitten's milk, and  more or less goes when I put him in the litter box, except for one accident on the kitchen floor. But accidents at his age are tiny.

The first morning after he came it took 3 hours to find him, crammed underneath a piece of furniture. My postal scale records his weight as 12 oz.

My other cat, Sophie, is only 14 months old, but has completely changed character since Jr's arrival. She herself had become very, very close to me in just the 10 days since Eli's death, but since Oliver has arrived she is now aloof and, I guess, confused. The first 24 hrs she hissed at him. Now she sniffs him for a bit, but then leaves him alone. I'm surprised, since I think of her as almost a kitten still herself and a very friendly one at that. She seems confused and I guess I can't blame her. I imagine that in a few months they will both be chasing each other like idiots, but this seems like a big change for her, especially following Eli's death. (She freaked out the other day when I finally picked up his bed to put it in the closet.)

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