
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Climate in Wonderland

Amazing. Over at Climate in Wonderland, there is nary a hint of the extreme temperatures in Russia-- except, of course, to deny that they even exist.

When I look at ClimateDepot it's like looking into Alice's looking-glass -- up is down, right is left, and hot is cold.

Has there ever been a better professional liar than Marc Morano? I can''t think of one....


  1. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Do a little more research David.
    Eventually, with enough study, you too will finally see the truth.
    Unless of course your believe is Faith based.

  2. Your rule #1 says you can never ask too many questions. Well here's just one. What lies have been told by the 'professional liar'? This is an honest question since I believe ad hominem attacks add nothing to the discussion of climate which is always changing. Can you please be specific as to your charge of lying so that the issues can be discussed rather than simply resorting to personal attacks? It would help the cause rather than cloud it.

  3. Anonymous2:08 AM

    How long s it going to take to answer pi bills question? Cat got your tounge?

  4. Seems to me the main thing Morano does is simply list links to silliness like this .

    That's enough . Reality is doing the rest .

  5. Certainly there has been few better SwiftBoaters, if any. Professional liars? I think Morono isn't the best liar, but he's pretty good. Better professional climate liars? He's top 5 surely. Cemented, never to be knocked off.



    (word verif agrees: keeper)

  6. Anonymous, when you have the wee bit of courage to use your real name, I will answer your questions. Until then you're not worth it.

  7. Biggest professional liar - Al Gore - for sure! Imminent melting of Antarctica and 20 ft. sea level rise but he buys $8 million seafront mansion. Preaching normal citizens severely curtail their modest lifestyles while his carbon footprint is as big as Brazil. Saying that global warming caused Katrina with no scientific sources. Then there's his ideal marriage to his high school sweetheart while the Portland Sex Poodle roams the countryside sexually assaulting masseuses!

  8. Al Gore's mansion is in the hills of Montecito, CA, not on the seafront:

  9. Actually, Gore's hillside mansion is over a mile from the seashore:

  10. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Actually Dave, Al baby bought a 4 million Dollar condo at Fishermans Warf in San Francisco, just meters from the sea!! Dow!

  11. Brother Gullible:

    Will you please provide the exact location of said condo? A link to a map on The Google would be ever so helpful.




  12. Anonymous6:04 AM

    I can think of a load of pro liars, pretty much every pseudo scientist that was involved with the IPCC. I for one cant trust anything now that starts with the words 'Scientists say...' which is an incredible indictment on science. the way this whole thing has played out is covered in the hallmarks of a scam, the people like Mann and Gore et al should be doing time for their fraud.

  13. James Lovelock, godfather of the Gaia hypothesis, Green icon and eco-insider tells us: “The great climate science centres around the world are more than well aware how weak their science is. If you talk to them privately they're scared stiff of the fact that they don't really know what the clouds and the aerosols are doing”.

    As to following the money - the U.S. government alone has spent $80 billion since 1989 on the global warming "problem". These monies are contingent upon their being a "problem" and obviously bias research in this direction.

    Climate scientists misrepresent the degree of certainty in their research in return for careers and are - professional liars.

  14. Me loves paranoiacs and their loony conspiracies. And the Noise Machine that enables the lunatic fringe.



  15. In James Lovelock's Mar.10, 2010 interview with the Guardian he stated "So why on earth are the politicians spending a fortune of our money when we can least afford it on doing things to prevent events 50 years from now? They've employed scientists to tell them what they want to hear .... We do need scepticism about the predictions about what will happen to the climate in 50 years, or whatever. It's almost naive, scientifically speaking, to think we can give relatively accurate predictions for future climate. There are so many unknowns that it's wrong to do it."
    Even the IPCC admits "The climate system is a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible."
    Al Gore has become wealthy berating the public and politicians with these "predictions" and stands to make a lot more if cap and trade ever gets passed in the U.S. The Left has spent the last century foaming at the mouth about "conspiricies" by Big Business but turn a decidedly blind eye to the same activities by Big Government and Big Green. Maybe you should be asking more questions!
