
Monday, April 04, 2011

For Muller Before They Were Against Him is in full bully mode after Richard Muller went off-script. Marc Morano is furious and has Muller's email address on his front page at least four times, in case his readers don't get his intention.

Like Watts (I assume you're read Krugman today), Morano was all in support of Muller when he thought Muller was useful to him:

Prof. Richard A. Muller slams 'hide the decline': 'What was their justification for erasing it? The fact that it went down' (March 18, 2011)

Warmist trashes fellow Warmists: Climategate's 'hide the decline' explained by Berkeley professor Richard A. Muller -- 'They are not allowed to do this in science. It isn't up to our standards' (March 17, 2011)

Now Muller must be trashed by all available means -- he's only in it for the moneyby association, by where he's employed, or scientifically.

This is some really, really ugly business, and nothing could be more telling about the these people's true motives and methods. It is reaching new lows all the time, as well as being part and parcel of destroying intellectualism in America. I hope the BEST scientists can withstand the pressure.



  1. Yeah I spotted climatedepot had slammed up his email address and sent an email to Muller to warn him.

    I think Muller is pretty tough and to be honest climatedepot and ilk are really just a bunch of loud nobodies.

  2. They should be able to withstand the pressure of small-minded little a-holes. Should be easy enough to rise above these bottom-dwellers, don't you think?



    (word verif thinks so: versaliz)

  3. "They should be able to withstand the pressure of small-minded little a-holes. Should be easy enough to rise above these bottom-dwellers, don't you think?"

    It isn't always easy, but we try, Dano.

  4. Too bad there isn't any intellectualism in the global warming movement. If there was, there would be no need for climatedepot.

  5. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Hopefully one of these days people will rediscover the scientific method.

  6. Two bots does not a bot swarm make.

    What has happened to the vaunted denial machine and its ability to marshal legions of gullible rubes to swarm a comment thread with their silly, refuted drivel?



  7. "What has happened to the vaunted denial machine and its ability to marshal legions of gullible rubes to swarm a comment thread with their silly, refuted drivel?"

    Lack of interest or perceived need. Nobody believes this AGW stuff any more, it's so passé
