
Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday Stuff

Mitt Romney: agreed with manmade global warming before he disagreed with it. (Shall we say he's hot and cold on the issue?) Can some primary voter somewhere please ask one of these candidates exactly what part of the science they disagree with, and why?

An interview with Gabrielle Giffords will be broadcast on Nov 14th. Her constituents will finally be able to assess her condition for themselves (at least, to the extent ABC doesn't undertake some tricky editing). Giffords has also been recorded reading the last chapter of her memoir (another controlled situation), which comes out...Nov 15th. Does she want to be a Congresswomen, or sell books?

An upcoming meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Meterological Society on Anthropogenic Global Warming has a panel that consists of three...skeptics. OR-AMS's president, Steve Pierce, tells me:
The Oregon AMS's official position is that we take "no position on the subject of climate change." The many local chapters of the National AMS have the freedom to promote all aspects of the science of climate, meteorology and the like. We have hosted several "human-caused" global warming meetings over the past few years. This is the first time in recent memory that we have dedicated a single meeting to the opposing side. So, as to uphold our mantra of "equal time for all" in our society, we are hosting this meeting. We hope you will come to the meeting and bring your questions for our guest speakers that evening. Please let me know if you have any further questions." 
You can always follow Rick Perry on "Tweeter." (Yes, he really did say "tweeter.")

An amazing picture of Mt. Rainier casting a morning shadow on the clouds:

1 comment:

  1. riverat7:10 PM

    Holy cow! The OR-AMS panel is a who's who of Oregon de^H^H skeptics. Wish I could attend just for the laughs. Great picture.
