
Friday, August 31, 2012

The Tea Party's Fundamental Error

William Connolley provides a succinct summary:
"I don't perceive them [Tea Partiers] as amenable to reason over [global warming] GW, which is what I'm interested in for public purposes. They have made a fundamental error:

1. I don't like govt
2. GW, if true, requires action from govt
3. Therefore GW is false

This makes them idiots. Although I doubt [Paul] Ryan is an idiot on this matter, instead my best guess is that he is dishonest."
(It's down in the comments.)

1 comment:

  1. A few edits is more accurate I believe.

    Tea Party:
    1. I want less govt
    2. CAGW, if true, requires action from govt
    3. Therefore evidence for CAGW is not strong enough.

    1. I want more govt
    2. CAGW, if true, requires action from govt
    3. Therefore evidence for CAGW is strong enough.
