
Monday, May 13, 2013

Desperate Lies from ClimateDepot

Of course, I don't think Marc Morano has any honor (if he ever did), so I know he doesn't care who catches him in his lies.

But normal people might. Like this one:

Lubos Motl is no more of a "Harvard physicist" than you or I are -- he was drummed out of the department, forced to resign many years ago, in the prime of his career, because he couldn't keep from insulting everyone in his presence. He has the personality of a thornbush.

Climate Depot is lying about his affiliation, plain and simple.

PS: You might remember Motl from this kind of buffonery. Though I hope not.


  1. So, Lubos is not a former Harvard Physicist?

    Perhaps you need to re-read that post from Morano more carefully.

  2. Maybe you didn't read the quote. It said "Fmr" which is short for "former."

    Maybe you should either apologize, or at least shut up before you embarrass yourself further.

  3. Thanks for the helpful information about my past jobs, Mr Appell. It seems that I am just a Boltzmann Brain who was created by a spontaneous vacuum fluctuation and all of its memories – and all of our memories including papers I wrote during my 6 years at Harvard – are illusions. ;-)

  4. A long time passes...


  5. Motl's a dishonest moron, but certainly he used to work at Harvard. No one can take that away from him.

    "Disgraced former professor" might be more accurate in capturing the sense of the man, but "former Havard physicist" seems to be literally true.

  6. Das754288:45 AM

    Maybe it's a “…Retrospective prediction…”. (TM Climate Science)

  7. Alas, I have never met Lubos, although I would like to and I enjoy his blog. As a consequence I cannot speak personally to his honesty or dishonesty.

    But if the Tracker is trying to convince me that they appoint "morons" to be professors at Harvard and it takes them 6 years to find out...well, it either says something pretty amazing about Harvard or, more likely, it speaks to the degree of honesty we can actually expect from the Tracker.

  8. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Based on what has transpired in the comments section, I am wondering if Mr. Appell is going to at least make a correction to this post?

  9. One thing for sure. Mr Appell's scientific knowledge/intelligence is a lot closer to mine than it is to Mr. Motl's.

    If you doubt this, start reading both their blogs. I've been following both for the last 4-5 yrs.

  10. "Fmr" means "former?"

    Says who?

    Why not simply spell out "former?"

    Likely because ClimateDepot wants to have it both ways -- to look like a Harvard physicist is saying something, while hiding the fact that he was forced to resign from Harvard.

    No correction needed.

  11. Apparently real journalists use "FMR". A lot of them.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.46471029,d.bGE&fp=71b49b3b4ef1dd2a&biw=1199&bih=676

  12. Nicely done, Les. Game set and match, I think.

    Now about that apology, Mr Appell. While there's something left of your FMR integrity.

  13. I'm also interested to know how the circumstances of Lubos departure from Harvard in any way impact upon his status as a physicist. He's obviously a combative character, but that's totally irrelevant to anything you talk about here - unless you plan to invite him for dinner

  14. Politically, Harvard and Appell sit on the left wing and Motl sits on the right.

    Harvard/Appell are hoping CAGW will serve as an excuse for more government control over the economy/people. Molt takes the position that the CAGW scientific evidence is not nearly strong enough to justify giving more power to government.

  15. Peter: Lubos is an "ex-physicist" -- now, just another blogger.

    He is no longer in the game, having pissed off too many of the wrong people.

    And not having pissed them off in a good, rebellious way, but in a sad, obnoxious way.

    His blog makes it clear he is far more motivated by politics or personal animas than by science.

  16. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Eh? I wasn't aware that retiring, or switching your career to another field, invalidated one's academic degree. I would think the accurate term would be "no longer practising physicist."

    Or perhaps "former physicist."
