
Thursday, July 17, 2014


Via Imgur.


  1. Russia, Spain, France, all moving away from nuclear/solar/wind toward coal.


  2. Germany isn't.

    Does it give you pleasure, Charles, to see countries pile on the fossil fuels, in spite of climate change? A little thrill of revenge?

  3. Thanks for the cartoon David. As an Australian I find the actions of my government deeply embarrassing and absurd.

    What I find particularly weird is that they are a right wing government that attacks a market based solution to carbon emissions, but proposes a big government solution which they call "Direct Action".

    I expect that the rest of the world will force Australia to take a reasonable approach to carbon emissions at some stage in the future; maybe the Paris Conference next year will be a game changer.

  4. Steve, do you expect the Abbott administration to come up with a cap-and-trade system, or link with Europe's own cap-and-trade system, as was the eventual plan for the carbon tax? Or will all carbon controls be off the table?

  5. "Germany isn't."

    Germany is reducing solar/wind subsidies and planning to close nuclear plants. They are also building new coal plants.

    "Does it give you pleasure, Charles, to see countries pile on the fossil fuels, in spite of climate change? A little thrill of revenge?"

    It shows how stupid the warmers are. France showed the world how to use nuclear to greatly reduce co2 emissions from power stations. The warmers (except Hansen) couldn't bring themselves to accept nuclear so now they get more coal. Idiots.

    I'm with Hansen (even though I don't share his fear of co2). Build more nuclear.

    Which do you prefer? Coal or nuclear?
