
Sunday, October 15, 2017

Geostorm: Another Crazy Climate Movie

Here we go again: another climate-goes-amuck movie that ends up looking like Venus smashes into Earth. This one checks off all the boxes: catastrophic climate change, the hubris of geoengineering, people freezing in place, lasers shooting out of satellites, smart-alecky but brilliant scientist-hero, airplanes freezing solid, crashing to the ground, and skyscrapers toppling like dominoes. Did I miss any other cliches?

Opens this Friday, October 20th.


  1. As long as the pet dog survives.

  2. Meh. Maybe if it had sharks...

  3. I just watched the trailer. It's not really a disaster movie, though. It's more of an utopia. In this idyllic fictional scenario, Donald Trump wasn't elected President.
