
Saturday, July 06, 2019

Medium: “‘Climategate’ Email Hacking was Carried out from Russia, in Effort to Undermine Action…”

This is interesting, but it's not really a surprise that shadowy Russians/Eastern Europeans would be the hackers. I hope the journalist, Iggy Ostanin, can eventually publish the name of the climate scientist he says in involved.

Exclusive: "Climategate" Email Hacking was Carried out from Russia, in Effort to Undermine Action… by Iggy Ostanin

Russian hacking, quote-unquote, seems to be more and more of a problem anymore. Is there really nothing that can be done?


  1. 1. Whoever was responsible for releasing those e-mails did the world a favor. Scientific fraud should be exposed, even if it leads to good policies.

    2. Why would the Russians want to delay action on global warming? If the planet is harmed, Russia will be harmed along with everyone else.


  2. Read the latest Climate Audit post. Steve completely debunks the misreading of the email timestamps of the emails that produced this erroneous report. Ken Rice has already walked back his retweeting of this dreck report, but the error lives on.
