
Thursday, March 05, 2020


When I checked on US virus cases this morning at 6:04 am PT there were 159. Now at 3:13 pm there are 221. That's easily the largest jump in a day.

Reading this New York Times article on the virus outbreak at the nursing center in Kirkland, Washington, it sure seems that a lot of people have symptoms but never get tested, both people in the center and people who've visited. Even people with what sounds like significant symptoms. Surely there are many more cases than have been counted (as many officials have been saying).

UAH's temperature anomaly for the lower troposphere for February was again high at +0.76 C, second only to Feb 2016's +0.86 C.

The American Physical Society’s March Meeting in Denver was cancelled because of the coronavirus, just a day before it was to begin. "At least 500 participants were scheduled to arrive from countries that are now a 'hotspot for contagion.'" Thousands of scientists and students -- about 11,000 -- are out the money they spent on flights and hotel rooms -- some were already there in Denver. That had to be a tough call to make. Instead, some will have a virtual March meeting.


  1. When I checked on US virus cases this morning at 6:04 am PT there were 159. Now at 3:13 pm there are 221.

    The CDC update for March 5th says "Total cases: 99", but there is an asterisk beside that number which outlines excluded data and a says that state and local public health officials should be considered more reliable.

  2. A friend recommended this site as a good source for corona virus statistics.

    It says the US has 272 total cases, 15 deaths and 15 recovered.


  3. This morning it's 335, but it's incorrect to describe these as the "total cases" since the slooooow implementation of testing in the US means that most cases have not been detected.

    Going from 272 to 335 cases in one day would be a doubling time of 4 days, a bit faster than the actual rate of Covid-19 spread, which appears to be a doubling time of 6-7 days. So maybe the rate of testing is finally starting to catch up to the rate of natural increase in cases.

    I'm old enough to remember last week, when the "president" told us there were only 15 cases and the number "could fall to zero within a few days".

    Fact check: false.

    Anyone care to bet on which day the US case count will pass 1000? I'm guessing Friday.

  4. Yes, I was thinking a thousand cases by Friday, too.

    “I’m old enough to remember last week”

