
Sunday, April 05, 2020

Deaths Coming Down in Italy

Daily death are now coming down in Italy. Still rising in the US, now over 1,000 a day, but if you look hard enough you can see a slight arc in the graph, concave down. Definitely a 10 out of 10 rating for Trump. He's been a disaster who just can't overcome his personal problems, even in the most important moment of his life.

You can see Italy's high death rate starting to peak too:

IMHE projection says US death rates will double in the coming days.


  1. The "10 out of 10" link is interesting, but ... I don't get the connection. Maybe the wrong link was attached?

  2. The IHME seems to have stopped updating their projections on 4/1 ... too bad, as we're now approaching the dates when they were predicting that some of the earliest states would see their peak hospital demand.

  3. Ned: It's just that a week or so ago Trump was asked to rate his response to the coronavirus, and he gave himself a 10 out of 10. Of course.

  4. "Trump gives himself 10 out of 10 on coronavirus response," The Hill, 3/16/20

  5. Right ... but the link in your post actually goes here:

    The Fundamental Link Between Body Weight and the Immune System

    It's an interesting article (as much writing in the Atlantic is)...

  6. Oops! I"ll fix that.

  7. Fixed. Thanks for pointing this error out.

  8. Now it makes more sense :-)

    I thought there was some really subtle joke involved that I was too dense to see ...
