
Sunday, July 12, 2020

COVID-19 Seems to Be Peaking in Some States

It looks like the COVID-19 spikes in some of the worst hit states may be peaking. That would be very good news.

Via today's Washington Post.

In other news, this stupid, ignorant, deathly White House actually made a list of all the times Fauci has been wrong on the coronavirus. You really have to wonder what their priorities are. (Well, you don't have to wonder -- we all know exactly what their priorities are, and it's certainly not containing the pandemic.) Just keep stuffing science in the closet -- look what that's done for us so far.


  1. The White House, they're a bunch of petulant snowflakes ain't they?

  2. It looks like the COVID-19 spikes in some of the worst hit states may be peaking.

    Is that a result of a change in behavour, has some kind of saturation level been achieved, or has testing failed to keep up?
