
Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Trump's Done the Same Thing Before

When he lost the 2016 Iowa Republican caucus to Ted Cruz:

Trump has a serious mental disturbance.


  1. I don't think this is mental disorder. This bottom feeder mentality, "the winner takes all", "the more selfish I'm the more I contribute the common good" stuff produces "successful" US business leaders like Trump. He knows well he lost, he's trying all the schemes his lawyers have come up with.

  2. Of course I'm not defending him. I only want to point out that this is no mental disorder, this is the normal functioning of an American business leader in the face of challenges he/she can't handle in the usual way.

  3. Maybe you're right. Aren't there studies, though, that a lot of CEOs are psychopaths and narcissists? Perhaps capitalism rewards such ruthless behavior...?

  4. B, I meant selfish behavior, on second thought, like in your first comment.

  5. > Aren't there studies, though, that a lot of CEOs are psychopaths and
    > narcissists? Perhaps capitalism rewards such ruthless behavior...?
    :) Yes, exactly, you're right... The number of sociopaths increases as we go further and further up, and it's about 20-25% among CEOs, while it's less than 1% among the general population. Capitalism rewards these people.
