
Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Michael Flynn Calls for Martial Law and Re-Vote

Just off a pardon from the Fascist in Chief, Michael Flynn calls for Trump to declare limited martial law so the military can oversee a national re-vote. Really, he did.


  1. Has anyone asked the military what they think of this idea?

  2. Fortunately, at least so far, the US military seems to be led by men and women of integrity, who would responsibly laugh in the face of these idiots. Firmly and politely. In fact, probably the same down to the lowest grunt.

  3. You may know the concept of the illegal order, one which a soldier should refuse to obey and which should not be given.

    An order to establish martial law and run an election under military supervision would violate the Constitution.

    No rational Commander-in Chief would give such an order and his chain of command would not obey it.

  4. Do the military leaders serve at the will of the president? Hasn’t trump been firing pentagon officials?

  5. Do the military leaders serve at the will of the president? Hasn’t trump been firing pentagon officials?

  6. Do the military leaders serve at the will of the president? Hasn’t trump been firing pentagon officials?

  7. Entropic, the whole war against Iraq was illegal. Few soldiers protested, and it was the ones who did who faced prosecution. USA has a military trained to attack any country the president declare is an enemy, and that kind of obedient military is a domestic threat as well.

    Trump is too much of an incompetent coward to try for a coup, and I doubt the military respect him enough to support him anyway, but a more skilled authortarian leader might were well get away with it. The trick is to create an aura of inevitability, that the success is certain and that it is better to be on the winning side. The winner decides what is legal.
    "Treason doth never prosper. What's the reason? Why if it prosper, none dare call it treason."

  8. Thomas, that's a great quote, thanks.

    "Treason doth never prosper. What's the reason? Why if it prosper, none dare call it treason."

    It's by Sir John Harington (1560-1612) of England, courtier, author and translator popularly known as the inventor of the flush toilet.
