
Friday, April 02, 2021

The Stupid Lies of Lars Larson and Chuck Wiese and Ed Berry

Ed Berry, a PhD in physics from before the Standard Model, who has now abandoned everything he every learned to become an idiotic climate denier, continues to publish the worst in global warming bullshit, like this piece of moronic juvenility from someone named Tom V. Segalstad:

There is then indeed a paradox that CO2, "The Gas of Life", is now being condemned as the evil "polluting" gas, a gas which will be a threat to people's living on Earth, through a postulated "Global Warming".

This is too stupid to spend any time on, and not because of its many grammatical mistakes. 

Instead I want to recount a recent private email correspondence I had with Dr Berry about a month and a half ago, when the illustrious climate-denying Mr Chuck Wiese BS hyperventilated on the radio show of Lars Larson, who is terrified to have any other opinion on his show except the anti-science one, about how James Hansen has, essentially, always been full of shit. This coming from a man, Wiese, who has a mere bachelor's degree in meteorology, has never done or published any research in his life, claims that CO2 doesn't cause global warming, but admits that the world is warming but he doesn't know why, but it's definitely not CO2. Yet he has the nerve to denigrate James Hansen.

Instead he brought up the illustrious work of Dr Ed Berry, who, Wiese says, has proven that only 18 ppm of atmospheric CO2 is due to humans. 

Not that Berry has ever published such a thing. He hasn't. He's afraid to submit his work to any real journal, or, if he has, is afraid to say when it's been rejected. No doubt it will soon be published by the Zambian Proceedings of the Colonial Council of the University Chemical Pact, and Berry will claim a clear and overwhelming victory.

I asked Berry how, if only 18 ppm of man's emissions since the start of the industrial revolution has gone into the atmosphere, where has the rest of these emissions gone? He replied something about the number of layers in the IPCC models, as if the IPCC even made climate or carbon models, which they don't. Which was a nonanswer anyway. I asked him again, and there was silence. Indeed, I think it has never even occurred to him to ask this question, let alone try to answer it. Nor has the illustrious Mr Chuck Wiese B.S.

And how fucking stupid is that? These people don't even know how to do the simplest science. Yet Lars Larson is putting them on the radio before something like 1-4 M people (Lars once told me; I think it's 1 M for his Oregon-Washington show and 4 M for his national show), misleading every single one of them. And he doesn't seem the least bit concerned about it. Larson claims he's an ex-journalist who uses journalistic methods on his show, but that's a complete joke. He's just a Trump toady willing to lie if he thinks it advances his ideology one small step. And bald-faced liars like him and Wiese and Berry are ruining America. Does anyone there even care???


  1. Ed Berry's web site reveals he lacks even the most rudimentary grasp of science. I'd say I don't know how he got a PhD, but unfortunately it is not uncommon for people to get their PhDs by workmanlike dotting Is and crossing Ts, then having successful careers by doing the same, all while failing to ever really understand anything. Competent management of them both in school and in job prevent these people's incompetence from leaking out into the world at large.

    But Ed is retired, he has a web site to publish his beliefs, and he has a rabid audience there. In Ed's case there is amplification from his unwavering conviction that he is smarter than everyone else--really, everyone. Plus the worldwide conspiracies of everyone who disagrees with him. And the Communist agendas of all those people. And every right wing nutty claim about masks not working, COVID being a hoax, the election being stolen, the National Guard being assembled in hiding to put Trump back in office any day now...

  2. We live in a strange world, where we are repeatedly misled by experts in many fields. Ed Berry's nonsense is not the most serious. Still, David Appell does a service by refuting it. Thanks for this post, David.


  3. Segalstad has been around for a while, and is one of the more extreme deniers:
    Or if you prefer his own site:
    Keep your hands free for a double facepalm.

  4. >> the National Guard being assembled in hiding to put Trump back in office any day now...


    There is a disease far more serious than COVID out there....

  5. It turns out that a good amount of this craziness is spread by a Chinese doomsday cult called the Falun Gong. They believe that extra-dimensional aliens have invaded our bodies and that a certain form of meditation is required to exorcise them.

    Their media arm is called the Epoch times. They believe that Trump was sent by a divine being to save them.

  6. THAT's what the Epoch Times is?? For awhile I was always getting their ads on YouTube. Or somewhere. I knew they were probably Breitbart-like batty, but I didn't know they were this batty. Thanks.

  7. Falun Gong's most prominent public relations face is the Shen Yung touring acrobatic, dance, and music extravaganza. If you buy a ticket, you are supporting Falun Gong.

  8. I judge a newspaper by its actual accuracy, not by whom its associated or allegedly associated with. I read a good many columns from the Epoch Times and find them to be generally accurate, albeit with a conservative spin comparable to Breitbart.


  9. David, Layzej -- here's an example of an article from the Epoch Times that just appeared in my In box.

    I don't see any inaccuracies. Do you?


  10. It's a propaganda machine. Good to at least be aware of their motives so you can better understand how you are being manipulated.

  11. btw, if Breitbart is your barometer, you are so far down the rabbit hole...

  12. I came across this great quote:

    "People like you are still living in what we call the reality-based community. You believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality. That’s not the way the world really works anymore. We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you are studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors, and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

  13. " No doubt it will soon be published by the Zambian Proceedings of the Colonial Council of the University Chemical Pact,"

    Never diss Zambian climate diplomacy. Where was our State Department when Zambia's dispatched a savory hippo hot pot to grace Kim Jong Il's birthday banquet table?

  14. Hope this link works better than the above:
