
Sunday, August 08, 2021

Global Warming is Accelerating

These days the Copernicus Climate Change Service in Europe is the first monthly with a measure of the global average surface temperature anomaly, usually only a few days into the month.
They give the global anomaly, and one for Europe; their dataset starts in January 1979.
There's only about 10 and a few years available where you can calculate the 30-year trend.

But during that time, that trend is definitely increasing:

In 2009 the 30-year trend was 0.15°C/decade.

Now it's almost 0.25 C/decade.

The trend is increasing. A lot. In just over a decade.

The rate of global warming is increasing. That is, global warming is accelerating.

1 comment:

  1. That's consistent with the AR6 estimate that we will pass 1.5C in 2035.
