
Monday, January 07, 2008


This question of whether Hillary Clinton's eyes teared up, which seems to be the most galactically important question of the day, really angers me and simply generates disgust and disrespect for all of the journalists on the campaign trail. They all think this is some kind of Muskie moment. Some kind of game. My God, like people don't tear up for a second every once in a while. I do about three times a week. As Think Progress documents, so do most politicians. John Boehner seems to break down and cry about every three months in the House -- why does he get no grief for it. Who the hell cares? Our politicians should be crying, given the drastic scope of our problems. Are we really going to pick our next president on trivialities like this? What are we, third graders? It's this kind of false drama that journalists in places like Iowa and New Hampshire are looking for, and they really seem to be too stupid to understand the deep issues of importance here and to cover the campaign as nothing more than a horse race.

The MSM just seems to demonstrate their stupidity and irrelevant more and more every year. If they cannot provide real, insightful, useful coverage, they seriously need to go out of business.

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