
Monday, January 07, 2008

Old Woman on the Street

I was driving back from visiting my sister this afternoon -- and may I say that my 3+ year old nephew is turning into such an astonishingly intelligent, bright, interesting, and funny human being that it almost brings tears to your eyes :-), -- when I got sidetracked trying to avoid some rush-hour traffic and ended up on a dark, deserted side street in a semi-industrial part of town. What freaked me out was that there walking along the sidewalk was a hunched-over old woman in a shawl, walking slowly but steadily with a cane on an unlighted sidewalk in a part of town I barely even wanted to drive through. I can't even imagine what she was doing there. The image still gives me the creeps.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:23 PM

    so try pulling over next time and being a human about it. give her a ride ya big weenie.
