Monday, December 31, 2007
Oil '07
That's up 57% for the year.
Gasoline up, though, only 8% for the year....
D.B. Cooper
D.B. Cooper fell somewhere around here north of Portland, and if he survived that descent he deserves the money. A young boy found some of his money in 1980.
You'd think maybe the FBI would move on to more pressing cases... but no, the FBI wants you to know they are still going to get Cooper: "Would we still like to get our man? Absolutely." Which would be a disaster for mythologists everywhere.
Provo scams
Naturally, he thinks it's quite profound.
Warning: do not give money to this charlatan.
I have tried for months to ask journalistic questions about his work: where he's given the talks he claim have received great acclaim, why he doesn't attempt to publish in the peer-reviewed literature, why he won't even submit his work to the ArXiv. He ignores my questions because it's much easier for him to simply proclaim that I'm crazy.
I know, he's just another quack. That's OK, there are lots of quacks. But I'm concerned that people are actually giving him hard-earned money, thinking that he's on to something. That'd be a huge waste, and people need to be warned.
"I Am Legend"
The cinematography and special effects were good for the most part, even great... the scenes of an abandoned New York City were right on and very eerie.... and Will Smith played the last man on earth about as well as anyone could have. The dog was pretty good, too.
But the CGI zombies weren't convincing. They moved too fast and and with too much power. They just didn't look believable. What virus is going to do that to people (and canines)? Every time I've ever gotten a virus I can barely stand vertical -- why do all these movies -- I Am Legend, 28 Days Later, 28 Weeks Later -- have virus that turn people into raving lunatics? It's supposed to be scary, I know, but to me isn't nearly as scary as the virus in The Stand, which just devastatingly and thoroughly incapacitates people. Or something like ebola, where you just bleed out of every orifice on your body. Frankly, the zombies in The Omega Man 36 years ago were scarier.
Still, the movie was interesting, and even scary, especially if somewhere deep down in your psyche you have an issue with the apocalypse. But then it all ended too fast -- one minute Will Smith is trying to save his newfound friends, and the next minute the movie is suddenly over. It brings you out way too fast and you blink your eyes a few times and just feel unsatisfied.
I think that virus-devastating-mankind movies have about run their course, though, and are going to need a seriously new angle if they're going to be considered as interesting.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Tim Russert, on a Bill Moyers' show about the pre-war performance of the press on the WMD story: "...there were concerns expressed by other government officials. And to this day, I wish my phone had rung, or I had access to them."Wow. That just pretty much sums up the whole fucking mess there, doesn't it?
The Day the Earth Stood Still
Unfortunately, it's going to star Keanu Reeves as Klattu.
Interestingly, in the original trailer they say the aliens came from "250 million miles" to save Earth. That's only about the distance from the sun to the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
Friday, December 28, 2007
"We live in a society, and dare I say a University, where few would admit—and none would admit proudly—to not having read any plays by Shakespeare or to not knowing the meaning of the categorical imperative, but where it is all too common and all to acceptable not to know a gene from a chromosome or the meaning of exponential growth."
-- Larry Summers
Colossus Remake
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Dylan's "Series of Dreams"
Gladly, I gave up on TV five months ago, and even then I didn't watch local news. It is clearly useless, disappointing, and I'm sorry that so many people waste their time watching this shit.
More Global Warmign Hysteria
The area that will by completely inundated by the rising ocean—and not in a century but in the lifetime of my two cats—are the American southeast, including the most populated area of Texas, almost all of Florida, most of Louisiana, and half of Alabama and Mississippi, as well as goodly portions of eastern Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina.The author is Dave Lindoroff, and his bio says he's "a 34-year veteran, an award-winning journalist, a former New York Times contributor, a graduate of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, a two-time Journalism Fulbright Scholar." How standards have fallen -- there's hardly anything scientifically accurate about his essay.
Cats live about 15 years, and global sea-level is rising about 3 mm/yr. So in the time span he envisions, sea-levels will rise only up to about 50 mm, or 5 cm, or .... 2 inches. Which isn't going to "inundate" anything.
Who cares, though, if it makes your political point? That, again, seems to be the attitude of the left these days.
This kind of alarmism does a lot of damage to the cause.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
10 F is increasingly clear that the assault on the Christmas tradition by those who oppose action on global warming goes far beyond the inevitable reduction in late December snowfall we will face when the country is 10°F warmer (or more) by century’s end.This is just an outright lie. The IPCC forecast calls for a warming of 2.0 and 11.5°F -- the likelihood of 10°F or more is really quite small, yet Romm portrays none of that subtlety.
Warning: Do not take your science news from environmentalists. They are as biased as the skeptics, and will stretch science and even lie to make their points.
"IBM Next Five in Five"
- It will be easy for you to be green and save money doing it.
- The way you drive will be completely different.
- You are what you eat, so you will know what you eat.
- Your cell phone will be your wallet, your ticket broker, your concierge, your bank, your shopping buddy, and more.
- Doctors will get enhanced “super-senses” to better diagnose and treat you.
I'm sorry, but I don't buy any of these. Maybe a little of #1, a miniscule amount of #2, none of #3, perhaps some of #4, and none of #5.
Especially #3:
You are what you eat, so you will know what you eat: We've all heard the saying 'you are what you eat', but with foods being sourced across international borders, the need to 'know exactly what you eat' has never been so important. In the next five years, new technology systems will enable you to know the exact source and make-up of the products you buy and consume. Advancements in computer software and wireless radio sensor technologies will give you access to much more detailed information about the food you are buying and eating. You will know everything from the climate and soil the food was grown in, to the pesticides and pollution it was exposed to, to the energy consumed to create the product, to the temperature and air quality of the shipping containers it traveled through on the way to your dinner table. Advanced sensor and tracing systems will tell you what you eat, before you eat it.This would all very very nice, and probably even possible in 5 years in an enlightened world. But our government and corporate overlords will never allow it. The won't even let us know if our food is genetically modified, or if our milk contains rBST. You think they're going to let you see what all pesticides have been dumped on your food? No way. Agribusiness and the FDA will say that pesticide-laden foods are "substantially equivalent" to organic foods, like they do with GM foods now, and say there's no need to label them. Same will go with food from China -- you think they want you to know where every stalk of celery comes from? -- and other countries will balk as well. This prediction just isn't going to happen.
Five years ago was 2002. What really has changed since then? Some Web 2.0 technology, a little cell phone technology. Not much more. Facebook hasn't rocked the world by any means.
Ron Paul on Fascism
REP. PAUL: ...I think this country, a movement in the last 100 years, is moving toward fascism. Fascism today, the softer term, because people have different definition of fascism, is corporatism when the military industrial complex runs the show, when the--in the name of security pay--pass the Patriot Act. You don't vote for it, you know, you're not patriotic America. If you don't support the troops and you don't support--if you don't support the war you don't support the troops. It's that kind of antagonism. But we have more corporatism and more abuse of our civil liberties, more loss of our privacy, national ID cards, all this stuff coming has a fascist tone to it. And the country's moving in that direction. That's what I'm thinking about. This was not personalized. I never even used my opponents names if you, if you notice.
MR. RUSSERT: So you think we're close to fascism?
REP. PAUL: I think we're approaching it very close. One--there's one, there's one documentary that's been put out recently that has generated a lot of interest called "Freedom to Fascism." And we're moving in that direction. Were not moving toward Hitler-type fascism, but we're moving toward a softer fascism. Loss of civil liberties, corporations running the show, big government in bed with big business. So you have the military industrial complex, you have the medical industrial complex, you have the financial industry, you have the communications industry. They go to Washington and spend hundreds of millions of dollars. That's where the control is. I call that a soft form of fascism, something that is very dangerous.
Notice that Russert's only follow-up to Paul's highly significant statement here is about the provenance of a Sinclair Lewis quote. Nothing else. Some interviewer.
Carbon-neutral Campus
They're purchasing the offsets from The Climate Trust of Oregon, which in turn is buying the offsets from the city of Portland (Oregon) from a project they have that will improve the timing of traffic signals (total net savings, 171,786 tons of CO2 over five years).
OK. I'm happy to help the College of the Atlantic reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. But shouldn't the traffic engineers of the city of Portland already have been working to optimize the timing of their traffic signals? If fact, I thought they would have done this a long time ago just because, you know, it's part of their job. Does there really have to be a special project with outside funding to make it happen?
If I hold my breath for a minute, will someone pay me a dollar?
Friday, December 21, 2007
Human Genetic Variation
The journal Science announced in today's issue that "Human Genetic Variation" is the Breakthrough of the Year. It's been seven years since we learned how we differ from other species. With faster and cheaper sequencing technology, we're learning how we differ from one another.In my opinion, this is a huge disaster, one guaranteed to rent great turmoil in our society. This is the dream of every bigot throughout history. Not only are the haters going to find "justifications" for their disgusting discrimination, but, more importantly, insurance companies and health providers everywhere throughout the US are going to find a great many reasons about why they should not cover you, me, and your neighbor. You have a BR78T gene? You're a loser, man. Who needs you? Society, frankly, can't afford you.
The United States is too late coming to the table of universal health care, and now the genomic era is here and insurance companies know it. The more individualized genetic information we have the worse off we are all going to be. (And it's a few decades too late for the United States to escape its established corporate tyranny.) In seven years you will have to submit to a genomic scan in order to purchase insurance, and if you have a wrong gene in the wrong place they will charge you an extra $100/yr, or they might well refuse to insure you at all. Just you watch.
This is going to be a disaster.
Asteroids on Mars
It's no wonder most people have given up hope on the MSM.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Expelled the Movie
But Stein and his movie friends claim the IDers are somehow being prosecuted by the science community, when they are not really practicing science in the first place. And the poor souls are unable to get tenure, all because they oppose Darwin. The media, the courts, the educational system, are all in on the scam and holding them down. They apparently don't understand that they aren't practicing science, but instead merely asserting that they should be allowed a place at science's table....
Just watching this film is dangerous, says Stein! You might lose your friends, or even your job! Oh dear....
What a load of crap.
Wash Post headline
Someday, you can hope, this headline will read, "House Approves $70 Billion More for Children's Health Care."
Until that time, don't think we are an advanced nation....
Carbon Sequestration
On August 21,1986, a cloud of carbon dioxide gas was released from Lake Nyos [Cameroon, Africa]. Because carbon dioxide is more dense than air it hugged the ground and flowed down valleys. The cloud traveled as far as 15 miles (25 km) from the lake. It was moving fast enough to flatten vegetation, including a few trees. 1,700 deaths were caused by suffocation. 845 people were hospitalized.That's got to be a terrible way to die.
Carbon sequestration, unless out in the deep ocean, still carries with it the possibility of leakage and, therefore, of harming a great many people. It seems to me to have killed at least as many people as Three Mile Island + Chernobyl combined. I'm surprised environmentalists aren't more concerned about this type of environmental disaster.
Health Care Costs
Currently, health spending in the U.S. is predicted to increase from $2 trillion to more than $4 trillion over the next 10 years, and to consume one out of every five dollars of national income as increases outpace income growth by a wide margin. According to the report’s findings, it is possible to curb health care spending, and simultaneously enhance the overall performance of the health care system. And the sooner policy changes addressed at reducing spending are enacted, the greater the cumulative savings for families, businesses and public health insurance programs. In fact, even modest changes can quickly add up to billions. However, authors caution that in order to see real savings and higher value, policies must address overall health system costs and not shift cost from one part of the health care system to another.
Meyerson op-ed
Eli Has Diabetes
He had more-or-less stopped eating about five days ago, and now that I think about it he had been drinking more water than normal for about a month. Stupidly, I thought it was perhaps evaporation. He's 8.5 years old, and has always been a huge cat, but he's been overweight for a few years now too. At the moment he weights 19.8 lbs, but has been as high as 23.6 lbs, and I've worried about exactly this scenario. He's been eating dry diet food for a couple of years now, but had only lost a little weight during that time.
I blame myself and I feel guilty. Too many little kitty treats and snacks here and there. Now he's paying the price. He's a great cat and a great buddy and I feel like I've let him down. I know it's possible he'll live a long, health live from here on out, but it's also possible the disease will take its course and he'll go blind and worse.
Giving the injections isn't as difficult as I thought it would be, though I drew a little blood this morning. The vet conveniently shaved off four spots on his shoulders and hindquarters as injection sites. He looks a little ridiculous, but I don't think he knows that....
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Tax Break for Bicycling Commuters
What about telecommuters? They're using even less resources than bicycle commuters -- why shouldn't they get an even bigger tax break?
What if you don't like arriving at work dripping in sweat or drenched in rain? What if you have children you need to drop off on your way to work? What if you're disabled and can't bike -- why should you be subsidizing other's transportation choices?
By all means, bike to work if you want. It's good for you, it's good for your town, and it's good for the planet. But can't that be enough? To we have to micromanage behavior and everyday simple choices like this via the tax code? Please.
PS: And, yes, let's get rid of Hummer tax loopholes and all of that, too.
Winter Solstice
Holier Than They
Judith Warner in the NY Times:
Reminds of of what G.K. Chesterton said:These days, however, for all the talk of religion, there is little public soul-searching about the absence of care and compassion, love, acceptance and inclusion – the things that many consider to be the essence of Christianity – in the words of our purported Christian leaders.
The Christian conservative vote is, apparently, splintering. Younger evangelicals are increasingly said to be interested in putting their faith to greater use than bashing gays, promoting guns and putting God on the presidential ticket. That would seem to indicate that we’re facing a moment of opportunity: a chance to expand and amplify the reach of the voice of religious moderation. The silence I’m hearing makes me think, though, that as a society we’ve come to accept the slippage of prejudicial and hateful attitudes into religious doctrine as somehow normal. Whether that’s due to cynicism or due to cowardice, it’s very troubling.
The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and left untried.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Top Science Stories
- stem cell breakthroughs
- human mapped (Craig Venter)
- brightest supernova recorded (SN 2006gy)
- hundreds of new species
- building a human heart valve
- "hot Jupiters" discovered
- a big birdlike dinosaur
- man's migration out of Africa (25-65 kya)
- the world's oldest animal (405 yr-old clam)
- real-life kryptonite
NYT on Bali
Despite pleas from their European allies, the Americans flatly rejected the idea of setting even provisional targets for reductions in greenhouse gases. And they refused to give what the rest of the world wanted most: an unambiguous commitment to reducing America’s own emissions. Without that, there is little hope that other large emitters, including China, will change their ways.Remember when Bush campaigned on reducing carbon dioxide emissions? That looks more and more like a deliberate lie.
El Nino
Sunday, December 16, 2007
On Bali
“We could have moved on from here with a confident range of future cuts,” Mr. Light said. “Instead we have to move on with the same continued uncertainty. At the beginning of the week I was really heartened by the public praise the U.S. delegation was giving to the I.P.C.C. and now I can’t help but think, was it all lip service?”(NY Times)
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Portland's Tuba Christmas
Bali's Failure
The world needs to start reducing its carbon emissions and it needs to start doing it 20 years ago. Second-best would be if it started do it now.
The same issues and barriers are going to be at Copenhagen 2009 as were at Bali 2007. Granted, Bush will be gone, and perhaps a better administration will be in place. Perhaps not. But the one definite thing is there will be ~50 billion more tons of CO2 in the atmosphere two years from now.
Like I said, I just don't get this. Only in fantasyland can agreeing-to-some-other-day-agree be considered significant.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Father: I thought you were the kind of girl who knew when to say when.
Daughter: I don't really know what kind of girl I am.
-- Juno
"Framing" Science
I can't think of a worse idea.
Science needs no additional framing -- science is already framed, the most important and significant framing of the last 400 years. The idea that it somehow needs to be repackaged and formulated for the masses, so that they will finally believe in it, can only come from a couple of English majors (or the equivalents) who do not know what science is and who have never practiced it. It is a horrible idea.
Science is, by far, the dominant paradigm of the modern world. It has run wild against all competing ideas, especially and including religion, but including various social ideas of the last 200 years. Just because the current administration chooses not to follow it is absolutely no reason to abandon it and acquiesce to their game.
Science is not about spin-control. It cannot be reduced to modern-day politics, odious as they are.
Science is about truth. And you don't compromise truth, you don't repackage it, you don't spin it, you don't "frame" it. My God, that would be a disaster.
Instead you present it as straightforwardly as you can. You present your facts and your truth. That has worked absolute wonders over the last 400 years, propelling humankind into unimagined standards of living.
Why stop now, just because, for a few years, you encounter some resistance? So suddenly we're all supposed to learn lessons from political communicators and spin the truth?
"Framing" cannot predict the g-factor of the electron, or the perihelion shift of Mercury, or the warming factors of CO2 and methane. Only science can do that. And it has done that. And that alone has been responsible for the rapid advancement of science in this century, even if some people want to stick their head in the sand. Science has run roughshod over them in the past, and it is today.
The truth needs no spinning. And spin always looks foolish, some time later. Always.
Intimate revelation of the evening: deep, deep, deep down I hope that something like this happens in my lifetime.
Presidential Science Debate
Then: You get asked to participate in something called the 2008 Presidential Science Debate.
You: Notice that one of its principle organizers, purportedly a "journalist," has written a book called The Republican War on Science.
Question: Which way do you run?
Doesn't it seem like the need for self-delusion is perhaps the strongest instinct among the human species?
Bush Wins Bali
The German environmental minister says:
"I think the situation is good ... and we will have success in the end," Sigmar Gabriel told reporters, declining to give details of the talks. "We are sure we are able to reach an agreement."Right. I know the diplomats feel pressure to call any final document a "success," but this is drastically overreaching. The fact is clearly that by not setting definite emissions targets this conference has been a complete failure.
Pascal's Wager
In my view, however, the biggest flaw in Pascal’s argument is that it understates the costs of belief. Because believing, it seems to me, is not free.Belief in God too often spawns reasons to punish sinners — “adulterers” in Saudi Arabia, gays for some Republican presidential candidates. Through the ages, it has provided people of all sorts of creeds a great argument to kill and maim the people from the next creed over. If it turns out that God doesn’t exist — having bought into the notion, it seems to me, would prove a pretty bad wager indeed.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Top 10 Physics Stories of 2007
- light, slowed in one Bose Einstein condensate (BEC), is passed on to another BEC
- electron tunneling in real time can be observed with the use of attosecond pulses
- laser cooling of coin-sized object, at least in one dimension
- the best test ever of Newton's second law, using a tabletop torsion pendulum
- first Gravity Probe B first results, the measurement of the geodetic effect---the warping of spacetime in the vicinity of and caused by Earth-to a precision of 1%, with better precision yet to come
- the MiniBooNE experiment at Fermilab solves a neutrino mystery, apparently dismissing the possibility of a fourth species of neutrino
- the Tevatron, in its quest to observe the Higgs boson, updated the top quark mass and observed several new types of collision events, such as those in which only a single top quark is made, and those in which a W and Z boson or two Z bosons are made simultaneously
- the shortest light pulse, a 130-attosecond burst of extreme ultraviolet light
- based on data recorded at the Auger Observatory, astronomers conclude that the highest energy cosmic rays come from active galactic nuclei
- and the observation of Cooper pairs in insulators
Amazon's Kindle
"Yes, in theory, words are words. But literature isn't data. The difference between Shakespeare on a BlackBerry and Shakespeare in the Arden Edition is like the difference between vows taken in a shoe store and vows taken in cathedral."Via Virginia Postel.
"Death to Corals"
Here's why I don't think there will be a science debate: science appears nowhere in the top seven topics that people say they care about. People, and the press, seem much more interested in which magic-man-in-the-sky a candidate believes in than anything having to do with the larger forces shaping our world.
Why, if you were a candidate looking at this data, would you agree to a debate about science?
This is turning into a lousy century, isn't it?
In other crappy sports news, they're going to sell off the naming rights to the Rose Coliseum here in Portland. It's owned by Paul Allen, Microsoft billionaire (net worth ~ $20B). Allen will get maybe $10M/yr, and what was once a pleasant, charming name for a stadium will turn into just another monstrosity.
Hadley Center on 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
More Richard Thompson
I love watching the drummer on this one....
Vetoeing Children's Health Care
Why is it OK to socialize American home owners by giving them a tax break on their mortgage interest (cost to the government: ~$100B/yr) , but it is the "wrong direction" to socialize the health care of poor children?
I'm just asking.
Crisp Words
... waitaminute ... Appell ... Appell ...hmmm ... HEY, aren't you the guy that always spins things on behalf of the catastrophists?I won't name him... but it is rare that I encounter such unprofessionalism, simply for asking for a copy of a paper....
Paris Hilton's carbon footprint
"I changed all the light bulbs to energy safe light bulbs and I'm buying a hybrid car right now,'' Hilton said, adding she also turned off the lights at home, didn't leave the TV on or the water running when she left the home.
''Little things that people can do every day to make a huge difference.''
In fact, little things don't make a big difference if you live a high-consumption, jetsetting lifestyle:
The professional shopper proved she doesn't just throw out her clothes after one wearing, when she showed up to the Paris (France) airport on Tuesday, with over a dozen suitcases.
Marburger Speech at AGU
Ray Pierrehumbert was at the speech and has comments here on RealClimate.
It's a quite remarkable speech, though not really surprising. Some highlights:
As a scientist, I am humbled by the power of the media in this debate. Issues that should be matters of fact are lost in oversimplifications and hyperbole. Issues that are clearly matters of opinion are marketed as scientific certainties. The complexity of the phenomena far exceeds the capacity of conventional public discourse, which is not unusual for scientific matters, but rarely do such matters intrude with such amplitude into the public domain. The visibility of the issue, which is entirely justified by its importance, guarantees that it becomes an object and an instrument of politics. Many scientists have willingly participated in the inevitable simplifications that are conventional in politics, acting from the same desire that motivates us all to have our societies do what we believe to be the right thing. From my perspective, science has lost credibility in this discussion in a subtle way. Critics and advocates all stamp their positions with the brand of science. They all claim that science supports their particular views. The subtext is that science is incapable of distinguishing among their views. The latter is more likely than the former, and the distressing fact is that science is being pressed into an awkward service here, and I know I am not the only scientist uneasy about it.and
One of the most important decisions governments must make now is how to balance investments in adaptation versus mitigation of climate change. The tone of current public discourse seems to be biased against adaptation, which is incomprehensible to me (and I hope I have judged the mood incorrectly). Social returns on adaptation investments begin immediately and last indefinitely. Social returns on mitigation investments are likely to be negative in the near term, and produce their positive impacts far in the future. Both, however, are necessary.and
Why shouldn't the goal be simply to reduce the absolute carbon emission toward zero? Why bring in the notion of "intensity?" Because the cause of our climate anxiety in the first place – the root cause – is the overwhelming desire of people everywhere to improve their lot. That desire will not be denied. From all I have ever read or seen of human behavior, the will to better human circumstances must be accommodated in any social plan of action, and especially one designed to persist over decades, perhaps centuries. If we are to make any progress in mitigating anthropogenic climate change, it will be necessary to break the link between economic development and fossil fuel emissions. Simultaneous economic development – i.e. growth in GDP – and CO2 reduction implies reducing carbon intensity. This is a point of the utmost importance in crafting a successful global climate strategy.and
In view of all these considerations, what constitutes a rational path forward? First, every major economy in the world needs to make some kind of commitment to long term emissions reduction. I do not think it is possible to force such a commitment. Each country must conclude that it is ultimately in its best interest to join in at least what has been called an "aspirational goal." Developing nations must be included in this framework. Second, technology development must focus on scalable sources – nuclear and coal, while maintaining progress in other areas such as renewable power and efficient end uses. Third, although I have not made a point of this, we need better data and agreement on data definitions and measurements that permit comparisons of energy use not only among countries, but also in different economic sectors within the same country. This is essential to the effectiveness of any international agreement. Fourth, we need some sort of international financial framework that takes into account private as well as public investments in energy infrastructure. Fifth, much, much more attention needs to be given to adaptation. And finally, increased focus on research in low carbon energy technology in all countries. Most of these points are addressed in President Bush’s recent initiative with the major economies of the world to develop a framework of action to create and achieve long term carbon emissions goals.Someone at Bali said the mood is, they are standing around the bed of the Bush Administration, waiting for it to finally die. You can see why.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
"adaptation apartheid"
Gas Prices
LESSON: The United States can afford higher gas taxes. Significantly higher gas taxes. Well, at least the upper- and middle-classes can.
Through the first 11 months, 2007 is the second warmest year in the period of
instrumental data, behind the record warmth of 2005, in the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) analysis. The unusual warmth in 2007 is noteworthy because it occurs at a time when solar irradiance is at a minimum and the equatorial Pacific Ocean has entered the cool phase of its natural El Nino – La Nina cycle.
Gore's Nobel Acceptance Speech
UK out of ILC
Presidential Science Debate?
I can't see the Presidential candidates going anywhere near this one -- especially the Republicans, but including the Democrats. There is just too much opportunity for them to look stupid, and they know it. I also think that, unfortunately, the majority of Americans don't care about scientific issues (and the candidates know this). They rarely if ever poll very high, even global warming, even now. There is little mention of them in the day-to-day discourse of the presidential campaigns, dismal as it is. And most Americans are creationists anyway, which speaks volumes about their scientific awareness.
UPDATE: Here's the Web site: .
I'm not going to sign on to this petition -- as a journalist, I don't feel it's my place to be advocating for or against anything like this.
Monday, December 10, 2007
God's trigger
Left unsaid was why God required 4 deaths before this assignment was made, or how Assam's actions conflict with God's commandment that "Thou shall not kill.""I was given the assignment to end this before it got too much worse."
"I give credit to God."
-- Jeanne Assam, Colorado Springs
Nov 2007
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Not very well.
The United States, leading GHG emitter in the world, refuses to even play ball. Thumbing their nose at the UN, they say they and their buddies will develop their own plan. It will most likely be a voluntary plan, if we know Bush, and we know how much good that has done over the last few years.
Now the Canadians (emissions up one-third since 1990) have said that if the US won't participate, we won't either. Everyone is worried about the other guy having an advantage.
The European Union has committed to binding emissions reductions of 20 percent by 2020. Left unsaid is why they can meet that goal when they couldn't meet their (more modest) Kyoto targets.
The developing countries are saying, don't look at us!
Al Gore wants to bypass governments all together and rely on "people power," which he likens to the ban-the-bomb movement of previous decades. Yes, we all know how well that worked.
Things don't look very good, do they?
First of the year.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
"...Romney had his attention fixed on the approximately 35,000 Iowa religious conservatives who will tip the balance in the first-in-the-nation Republican caucus."Can I pause here briefly to point out that in New York there are approximately 35,000 people living on some blocks? If my block got to decide the first presidential caucus, I guarantee you we would be as serious about our special role as the folks in Iowa are. And right now Mitt Romney would be evoking the large number of founding fathers who were agnostics."
Swimming for Global Warming
Friday, December 07, 2007
William Connolley
...Much of the main areas of climate science have now become much clearer than when I began to be interested; the obstacles to progress are now very obviously political not scientific.He has been a friend, if virtual, for several years, and I am sorry to see him go. I wish him the best of luck -- any field would be lucky to have him join it....
HIV+ Visitors
The proposed Bush administration policies to alleviate the situation are only going to make things worse, says the HIV Medicine Association.
In other science news, premature births in the U.S. were up again last year, and still no one really knows why. The premature birth rate (12.7%) is up 20% since 1990, and up 30% since 1981.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
In the next 24 hours, deforestation will release as much CO2 into the atmosphere as 8 million people flying from London to New York.
-- "Deforestation: The Hidden Cause of Global Warming"
Daniel Howden, The Independent UK, May 14, 2007
Pac NW Flooding
Another Bali Footprint Calculation
The total of 40,700 tons of gas created by the conference is equivalent to the annual emissions of 20,350 mid-sized cars, each traveling 12,000 kilometers....
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Peter Garrett

Peter Garrett, that big, tall, bald Australian dude who was the lead singer of Midnight Oil (think 1980s....), was named Minister for Environment, Heritage, and Arts in the new Rudd government.
That's the kind of career I wish I had. Lead singer one decade, minister in another....
Pac NW Floods
But elsewhere in Oregon and Washington people are scrambling to get away from floods and literally running for their lives.
But, jeez, you'd never know it by me. I don't have television anymore (and never watched local news even with I did) and don't listen to the radio. I read all the national newspapers (NYT, WP, BG, LAT) on the Web, and I read the local paper (Oregonian), but it's real easy to just skim over the headlines and it doesn't really sink in in that skimming that the stories are real and people are suffering. I walked to the library today, and then to the office supply store, and earlier went to Safeway for some lunch... It was a beautiful day in the city. I read some papers and did some research and answered some email... but you can spend your entire day with your head stuck up your little life and hardly even aware of what is going on, even 20 miles away from you.
Is this a good thing, or a bad thing? It's about what you would have experienced 100 years ago, but was that a good thing or not? Of course, they didn't even know to ask the question.... I often think that the world is going mad for worrying about what is taking place a half a continent (or planet) away, about every little shooting and murder and child abduction, and that it's ruining our society, at a time when many people don't even know their neighbor's names... so I am not sure. It is confusing.
- for a nice stroll through the problems, challenges, and possibilities of today's high-energy physics, read Michael Dine's article in the December issue of Physics Today: String theory in the era of the Large Hadron Collider.
- John Baez has a nice explanation of what Krauss and Dent really meant in their paper, as opposed to what New Scientist reported they meant.
Health Insurance
"Bow your heads and raise the white flags. After facing down the Third Reich, the Japanese empire, the U.S.S.R., Manuel Noriega, and Saddam Hussein, the United States has met an enemy it dares not confront--the American private health insurance industry.
"With the courageous exception of Dennis Kucinich, the Democratic candidates have all rolled out health "reform" plans that represent total, Chamberlain-like appeasement. Edwards and Obama propose universal health insurance plans that would in no way ease the death grip of Aetna, Unicare, MetLife, and the rest of the evildoers. Clinton--why are we not surprised?--has gone even further, borrowing the Republican idea of actually feeding the private insurers by making it mandatory to buy their product. Will I be arrested if I resist paying $10,000 a year for a private policy laden with killer co-pays and deductibles?"
-- Barbara Ehrenreich, "Crush This Enemy," Progressive, Nov. 2007
Monday, December 03, 2007
"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes."
-- Marcel Proust
YouTube's for Science
Here's a CNN article about them....
These could be useful for certain applications.... On the other hand, I find watching online videos to be somewhat wasteful. I almost always get more information per minute reading something in print than I do watching it on video. Of course, video is unique for visually spectacular events. But as a simply way of transferring information, it lags behind text, often significantly so. Often times you send up sitting through a five-minute video only to find you could have gleaned the same point in 30 seconds of reading. A lot of times I won't even start a video because I doubt it's really going to be a good use of my time....
First Flight
Oregon storm
More on Bali Carbon Footprint
“Calculations suggest flying the 15,000 politicians, civil servants, green campaigners and television crews into Indonesia will generate the equivalent of 100,000 tons of extra CO2. That is similar to the entire annual emissions of the African state of Chad.”Their person who did the calculation asks:
“One wonders how many people would have gone if the conference had been held in a wet October in Pittsburgh.”Are the emissions worth it?
Achim Steiner, director of the UN Environment Programme, said such conferences could never be small. “If you want to tackle an unprecedented global challenge like climate change then people have to meet and talk. Bali remains the world’s best hope to minimise the effect of global warming.”Of course, most people who travel, certainly for business, feel their across-the-world flights are equally essential. Could the UN have shown their concern by organizing the conference as the world's largest and most sophisticated video conference ever?
In any case, UN officials are going without suit and ties, to save on air-conditioning. So maybe this time they're really serious.
Via Dot Earth.