Tuesday, June 22, 2021

COVID-19 Herd Immunity

The Washington Post has a nice, short video on herd immunity for the coronavirus -- what it is, whether we can reach it, what happens if we do not. If we don't it's possible probable the disease will rip through the unvaccinated population, for whom it will be difficult to have much empathy (except for those who, for medical reasons, are unable to be vaccinated, such as the immunocompromised, who will suffer because of the thoughtlessness of the unvaccinated). But there remains the possiblity that new variants may arise in the unvaccinated population that will be able to infect even the vaccinated population. So we see how the unevolved "vaccine hesitant" are playing with a fire that could burn all of us down. Perhaps a better term is "vaccine stupid" or "vaccine don't-give-a-shit." Harsh, but people will suffer and people will die because of their ignorance or whatever twisted point they think they are trying to make about freedom or liberty, when in fact they're just proving the opposite -- true freedom and true liberty happens in a community, in a society, one where people look after one another and hold a responsiblity to the community, to others. You'd think we'd all know this after 10,000 years of civilization, but some people are extremely slow learners, it seems. Perhaps they need to be mandated into the present.


Layzej said...

Some stats:

Share of people who received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine

COVID-19 vaccine doses administered per 100 people

Share of people vaccinated against COVID-19

Entropic man said...

If Republicans are more likely to refuse vaccination, they are more likely to die of Covid.

This will reduce the proportion of Republican voters.

Think of it as evolution in action.

Not Trampis said...

you can get covid after getting two shots. you simply do not get the bad problems without the vaccine. That is not herd immunity.

David Appell said...

Not Trampis: Are you saying that natural herd immunity would mean no one gets bad problems?

Not Trampis said...

No I am saying herd immunity is no-one gets covid.

Getting covid but not going to hospital is not the same thing. I assume long covid still affects people and what about those people whose conditions is so bad they die from what covid exacerbates.

Herd Immunity is something gotten from models as well.

Not Trampis said...

Just a follow up Seychelles has achieved herd immunity in getting 73% of their population vaccinated yet infections are rising.

The models are wrong

Layzej said...

There's an unfortunate emerging trend in Israel as well: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/israel/

Cases had dropped to ~0, but are now on the rise. I suppose there are flu cases and deaths every year as well, so maybe we just need to learn to live with this.