Sunday, August 06, 2023

Global Boiling and Other Stuff

Things I've encountered:

I am not at all in favor of this term "global boiling" that the UN is trying to introduce

The era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived,” António Guterres declared in a news briefing, as scientists confirmed that July is set to become Earth’s hottest month on record.

“Climate change is here. It is terrifying. And it is just the beginning,” he said at a briefing at U.N. headquarters in New York on Thursday, as he described “children swept away by monsoon rains, families running from the flames [and] workers collapsing in scorching heat.”
Sure, global warming is getting to be serious, and will get more serious. But calling it "boiling" is such a naked attempt to induce fright. And then, presumably, action. It's almost laughable, at least silly, and an easy target for deniers to mock. Besides, nothing is really boiling, and won't. Not even close. Seems like maybe it was dreamed up by PR types who are deep in a UN bubble.

I don't know what's going to get the world to take this problem seriously, but such extreme nomenclature isn't the answer, I believe. What do you think?

I don't see the world addressing global warming en mass via mitigation. I think we're well on the path to geoengineering via stratospheric aerosols. Then someday in decades carbon removal from the atmosphere. But it's going to get very hot before then, at least 2°C, and probably 2.5°C. I wouldn't bet against 3°C. IMO.

When water expands as it freezes, it exerts a pressure of 200 atmospheres. Watch it blow this steel container apart.

Sea level rise in Mayport, Florida is 1/3 inches a year over the last 20 years. It's located in the northeastern-most part of Florida, just outside Jacksonville--there's a big US naval station there, Naval Station Newport.

⁂ is my new favorite symbol. It's called an "asterism." A word from planetary astronomy.

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