Wednesday, June 12, 2024

I read the news today, oh boy

Here's what I posted last night, then accidentally deleted:

Here's what they wrote (it's still up):

While London was experiencing 32C (89.6F) a year ago, temperatures were around 16C (60.8F) in the capital on Tuesday. Similarly Cambridge had temperatures of 30.3C (86.5F) on June 11 2023, and 15C (59F) on the same day in 2024.

Of course, half of 32°C (=305 Kelvin) is 152.5 K, which is -121°C.

Notice their claim is bollocks in Fahrenheit. 

I wonder how many editors this article past through before publication. Not one caught this. Probably they never even heard of Kelvin nor understands what it means. 


Entropic man said...

The Telegraph is not noted for the quality of its science reporting. It's opinion pieces, in particular, tend to show a climate change denial bias.

David Appell said...

EM: Good to know. The world needs more traditions upheld; it gives us a sense of continuity amidst a world continuously trying to break us into pieces.