Only 6 months with the Nino3.4 SST below zero [starting in July-August-September of last year, and only 2 at or below -0.5 (deg C). I thought the technical definition of an ENSO of either flavor was 5 or more months below -0.5 C, so maybe this didn't even meet that standard.
That didn't last long.
Only 6 months with the Nino3.4 SST below zero [starting in July-August-September of last year, and only 2 at or below -0.5 (deg C). I thought the technical definition of an ENSO of either flavor was 5 or more months below -0.5 C, so maybe this didn't even meet that standard.
Here's the ONI (Oceanic Niño Index):
which apparently identifies as a male.
It's going to be another warm year.😐
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