Sunday, October 27, 2019

Carbon Savings From the Internet

This is a little interesting: a plot of real US GDP (in 2012 dollars) versus miles driven by all Americans:

It shows a clear shift around 1995, just when the Internet came up -- US GDP took off relative to the miles driven by Americans.


Thomas said...

On the other hand, Internet uses a lot of energy. 10% of the electricity according to this study:

David Appell said...

Yeah, I was thinking about that, but I didn't know the number. 10% is huge! Or at least, 2 or 3 times larger than I thought I'd heard about. Thanks.

Thomas said...

If you can figure out a way to crash bitcoin you can put a dent in the number.

David Appell said...

Maybe if Bitcoin crashes there will suddenly be many more buyers.

Thomas said...

You need to crash the trust in it, not just the value. Maybe NSA could dedicate all their computer power for a day or two to bitcoin mining, pretending to be some unknown group with minimal resources that must have come up with some new algorithm to calculate the hash orders of magnitude faster than anyone else. That should make owners of bitcoin scared since anyone with control of the mining can add fake transactions into the chain.