Friday, December 27, 2024

La Nina Enters the Realm

I hadn't checked the Nino3.4 sea surface temperature in several weeks, and was surprised to see this:

This is from

An ENSO has to have the Nino3.4 temperature below -1.5°C for five months to be considered an El Nino or La Nina.... And now our watch begins. Winter (or at least La Nina) is coming. "Protect the weak and uphold the good," as the knights use as a motto. And never forget, "valar morghulis." 

1 comment:

Layzej said...

The recent warming has folks spooked. Here's Sabine Hossenfelder, who believes that uncertainty will not land in our favour :

From the video:
This was well illustrated by a show of hands at the meeting of the American Geophysical Union in Washington in December. NASA climate scientist Gavin Schmidt asked how many agree that “We have understood the anomalies in ‘23 and ‘24 with all of the information that has been presented here and that exists elsewhere.”

According to Axios “Only a smattering went up. Instead, the overwhelming majority backed the position that a sufficient explanation hasn't been offered and more research is needed.