Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Dumb Climate Talk from a Dumb Guy

"9 Things Musk and Trump Said About Climate Change, Annotated: In a conversation on X, Donald J. Trump and Elon Musk spoke for a bit about climate change. Here’s what they got wrong and what they got right," New York Times, 13-Aug-2024. 

Then there was this gem from Trump:
“The biggest threat is not global warming, where the ocean is going to rise one-eighth of an inch over the next 400 years … and you’ll have more oceanfront property."
For the record, 1/8th of an inch is 3.2 mm, which global average sea level rises every 9 months now.


Entropic man said...

Trump is a scientific ignoramus speaking to others of his kind. No point expecting a horse to sing.

David Appell said...

Is why we don't elect horses to lead countries :)

David Appell said...

(or shoudn't)