Friday, August 23, 2024

Did You Know This? I Didn’t

I didn't expect this, but world per capita emissions peaked in 2012, according to OurWorldInData:

Notably this doesn't include land use changes, or any other anthropogenic greenhouse gases.

As of 2022, annual per capita CO2 emissions had declined by 4.6%. Since 2020, the height of the pandemic (but a local minimum in emissions), it has increased by 4.3%. It would need to increase by another 4.7% to reach the 2012 maximum.

Interesting to see the effect of two world wars and a Great Depression. But what happened between 1970 and 2000?


Thomas said...

One thing that happened from 1970 is that nuclear power took off:

Layzej said...

We are righting the ship. The proverbial iceberg is still in view, but the steps we're taking to avoid it are making a difference.