Friday, August 23, 2024



There's no point anymore. I will delete this blog in a few days.

I would really like to be done with this and just stop thinking about it.


Anonymous said...

I have read you for some time, Thanks for writting

Entropic man said...

Ah revoir and thank you.

David Appell said...

Thanks, but I'll probably be back. I do an "I quit" post every time I get depressed, or so. Always came back. I should delete this post but don't want to remove the comments.

Balázs said...

You came back last time :) I regularly debate climate science deniers and your page is very useful as a resource, even if you post infrequently.

David Appell said...

Thanks B. I'll get over my latest low and will post more. Not sure it will always be about climate change, though. Things I come across that I like to share.

Balázs said...

No worries. And I have an interesting topic that is not science but those guys try to use it against science anyway. The costs of "net zero". Once I saw a statistics about investment in fossils, and it was breathtakingly high like 1T per annum. I foolishly lost the link and internet search is getting worse by the day. I think it was OECD. Anyway, this is interesting and worthy of some research, and a reminder why specifically climate science denial (among other flavors of pseudo-science) is so well funded.

George Montgomery said...

I have always enjoyed reading your 'articles' and observations. Your blog is refreshingly different from others that deal with similar or the same issues. It has a character all of its own that makes it stand out from the dross that others post on the web. Stay safe and well.

Layzej said...

For my sake, I hope you do come back! For your sake, I hope you do what is right for you. Either way, thanks for the many years of insights and education!

Anonymous said...

Stay please