Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The Execrable Patrick Moore

Perhaps you remember this vomitous piece of feculence.
In an article published two days ago by the Western Standard (whoever they are) titled "Guilbeault, CTV publish fake news about 2024 'hottest year ever' as LA burns," they quote Patrick Moore:
According to Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore, supported by multiple data sets, the overall trend in Earth's temperature is actually decreasing — debunking a claim by CTV, posted to social media by federal Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault — that 2024 was the "hottest year ever."

"Here is the record of global temperatures going back 5 million years, as the Earth sank into the Pleistocene Ice Age which began 2.6 million years ago," said Moore in a statement.

"Note that it is still getting colder over the long term."
That's what this hypocrite denier has been reduced to: a deceiver by any means possible, a clown, a fool, a mummer. The worst of the worst. 

Remember, in a 2006 op-ed in the Washington Post, Moore warned of "catastrophic climate change." Somebody different was paying him then. It's warmed 0.6°C since then. 1/10th of an ice age.


Layzej said...
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Layzej said...

According to Patrick Moore, you can drink a whole quart of glyphosate and it won't hurt you. Patrick Moore won't drink it, but you can. Trust him. Really. It's safe. YouTube