Monday, December 30, 2024

What the US Government Spends on Health Care

Data sources:
Medicare is for people 65 years or older. Medicaid is for poor people. 

It can't get high enough, as far as I'm concerned.

Friday, December 27, 2024

La Nina Enters the Realm

I hadn't checked the Nino3.4 sea surface temperature in several weeks, and was surprised to see this:

This is from

An ENSO has to have the Nino3.4 temperature below -1.5°C for five months to be considered an El Nino or La Nina.... And now our watch begins. Winter (or at least La Nina) is coming. "Protect the weak and uphold the good," as the knights use as a motto. And never forget, "valar morghulis." 

The Autobiography of Kevin Trenberth

I didn't know that Kevin Trenberth, the long-time climate scientist at NOAA in Boulder, published an autobiography in 2023. It's titled A Personal Tale of the Development of Climate Science: The Life and Times of Kevin Trenberth. I can't find it for sale (maybe it wasn't published in book form), but here's an online version, and you can download a PDF there.

He retired in 2020 and in 2021 moved to New Zealand (his native country) with his wife. I haven't started to read his book fully yet, just jumped around. This is about his life after retirement, from page 128:

In 2018 I began a phased retirement that included a visit to New Zealand. Following the election of Donald Trump as President and denier-in-chief in 2017, my daughter Annika, with two young children, was ahead of most, and with strong support from her husband, Matt, took advantage of her New Zealand citizenship to plan to and then move her family to New Zealand in September 2018. This was a remarkable and courageous act. With my own retirement looming, there was a strong incentive for my wife and me to follow.

The foremost reason for leaving the U.S. was family, and the timing was determined by retirement. But Trump, the Republicans and U.S. society were also major factors. The latter included guns, school shootings, and the covid-19 response. The ineptitude of the U.S. in handling all of these is evident....
I'm seeing more and more people say or write that the US is no longer a country worth living in, it's a country worth escaping from. I even see video clips of younger Americans saying that. And clips from Americans who have moved abroad talk about how much better life is where they went, especially the escape from constant work, too little vacation, affordable health care, a gain of peace and the lack of constant political turmoil.

Trenberth never had a formal retirement gathering at NCAR. It was planned for March 16, 2021 but NCAR in Boulder closed on March 13, 2021 due to the pandemic. On March 22, 2001 there was a mass shooting in a grocery store in Boulder, with 10 killed. Surely that only reinforced their decision to leave. And of course the massacre that started this era of mass shootings happened just down the road in Columbine in 1999.

America's decline into dystopia might well have started with Columbine in 1999, 9/11 in 2021, and Bush Jr's lies that started the first Iraq War. The trend has been downward since, and with Trump II the chaos is just getting started and will undoubtably be worse than Trump I. Last month a majority of Americans voted to move up to the 20th floor, because the 10th floor apparently wasn't high enough for a decent suicide. It's very likely the elevator only goes in one direction.  

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Al Gore Getting Angry: "We Are Not Winning"

Gore turns it on at about 4:30 into the video, with the word "but." This is from the World Economic Forum December 9, 2023.

As Andrew Dessler wrote last year, "Out-of-control corporate power is the real cause of climate change." 

Is a Kim Stanley Robinson solution the only thing that will work? Maybe Luigi Mangione has made a few fossil fuel CEOs wonder.... 

Cheaper Than Therapy*

* once you buy the boat.

via The New York Post.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Earth's Albedo is Decreasing Due to Fewer Low Clouds

This is from a paper in Science last week, "Recent global temperature surge intensified by record-low planetary albedo," Goessling et al, Science 6-Dec-2024. [Link

I can only make this chart so big, so expand it if you want a bigger picture. Same since Blogger insists on publishing fuzzy pictures (for me anyway). 

Top graph A is surface temperature; the relevant graph as a cause is the bottom graph F, low cloud cover, and to a lesser extent total cloud cover E. The units for both E and F are percentages relative to 2001-2022 (viz., the entire interval).

Then in Table 1 (below) they give their numbers: among them, the planetary albedo (reflectance) has decreased by about -0.4% (negative change => smaller albedo => less reflectance of sunlight => warmer temperature). What's causing reduced lower cloud cover? 

"Utilizing satellite and reanalysis data, we identify a record-low planetary albedo as the primary factor bridging this gap. The decline is apparently caused largely by a reduced low-cloud cover in the northern mid-latitudes and tropics, in continuation of a multi-annual trend. Further exploring the low-cloud trend and understanding how much of it is due to internal variability, reduced aerosol concentrations, or a possibly emerging low-cloud feedback will be crucial for assessing the current and expected future warming."

So if the planetary albedo was the canonical 0.30 (30% reflectance), it is now 0.2988. (Round that however you like.) Not much, but enough to matter.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Atmospheric Methane Level - Accelerating?

Methane concentration in the atmosphere. Eyeballing, it looks be accelerating since 2010. I'm not going to do a calculation based on just a few years, because the uncertainty will be too big to show anything useful. Something to keep an eye on.

Source: NASA

The Price of Chicken

Price of chicken breast in the US. November 2024 is a reference value of 100. (The Nov-2024 price is $4.01/pound.)

Prices adjusted via the Consumer Price Index.

Sunday, December 08, 2024

Smith Island and Sea-Level Rise

Here's a long story by CBS News on Smith Island in the Chesapeake Bay, a tiny island that is shrinking due to erosion and sea level rise. Of course, the islanders are determined to stay.

Erosion eats away up to 12 feet of shoreline a year, according to the Army Corps of Engineers, writes CBS News

One resident said:
"When I was a little girl they used to say, 'The island's sinking. Now, this weren't yesterday. This has been a long time ago," Marshall said. "Well, fast forward 60-70 years, we're still here."
"While Maryland's 2013 offer to buy and demolish Smith Island homes was shot down, it did sound alarms for residents. Watermen and retirees learned how to apply for grants and lobby legislators. They've been successful, receiving more than $43 million for elevating roads, building jetties, restoring buildings and drawing in tourists." 
That's for an island of about 200 people, so $200,000 per resident. Add that to the cost of climate change. 

A similar island in the Bay, Tangiers Island, is in the same predicament and has the same denial. They want money to build a wall around their island. (What's the point of living on an island if you can't see the ocean?) They're asking for $20-$30 million.

These stories aren't new; they've been coming since decades. Here's an article from 2010.

This is sad and infuriating. Of course the residents want to stay--it's been their beautiful home for decades if not longer. For some it's the only life they know. Their denial is equally sad, and we know it will ultimately be futile, probably sooner than later. And it's infuriating because such situations will become more and more common in the next few decades, and everyone will want to stay, stay, stay until they too give up and, defeated, paddle ashore. What's infuriating is that US politicians simply don't care. Trump thinks the ocean will rise "one-eighth of an inch over the next 400 years" and thinks that's fine because it will create more oceanfront property. There is simply no end to the amount of stupidity that comes out of his mouth, which presumably started in his brain. America elected this dumbass. This is the most shameful election result in the history of the US, so bad that I think it portends the end of the country (which, to be honest, has been coming on for awhile, about since 9/11 and the resulting Gulf War, certainly since the 2008 financial crisis). Or at least a country continuing--faster now--on its way to a shambles of a society. 50% of Americans deserve it. 50% will suffer along with them. Some will presumably drown in their own homes.

Saturday, December 07, 2024

The Knot

I never knew this, though I probably should have. The nautical unit of speed is the knot, which is 1 nautical mile per hour. But it's really 1 arcsec/hr, where the arcmin is taken along the surface of the Earth. 

The nautical mile "was defined as the meridian arc length corresponding to one minute (⁠1/60 of a degree) of latitude at the equator, so that Earth's polar circumference is very near to 21,600 nautical miles (that is 60 minutes × 360 degrees). Today the international nautical mile is defined as 1,852 metres (about 6,076 ft; 1.151 mi). The derived unit of speed is the knot, one nautical mile per hour."
I always thought it had something to do with ropes with knots hanging off a ship moving in the water. Maybe that was how they estimated it when traveling, but it wasn't the (somewhat arbitrary) definition as I thought. Good to know.

Thursday, December 05, 2024


7.0 Earthquake off Northern California

Here's the event page. 11:02 am Pacific Standard Time, 18:44 UTC.

There were 6.6 and 5.8 precursors in the 15 minutes before this big one.

It was less than 100 km offshore and tsunami warnings have been put up, but the quake(s) were over 2 hours ago so any tsunami would have perhaps hit already (?).

A little too close for comfort. I fear the coming M 9.0 earthquake in the Pacific Northwest will happen on a frigid January morning when I'm in the shower. I just hope I can find my eyeglasses and something to wear.

Monday, December 02, 2024

Total Warming, Japanese Style

The total global temperature change from the Japanese Meteorological Association, since 1890. Data here. I used 

total_change = (total_linear_slope)*(total_time_interval)

because what else are you supposed to do?

It sure looks like warming since the last 1970s is starting to accelerate.... But I'm sure that can be explained by someone once sneezing 21 years ago within 10 m of a single weather station in Greenland.  

Friday, November 29, 2024

US Coal Production Dropping Again

Here's the 52-week moving average in megatonnes per year:
Data from US Energy Information Administration

This average is down almost 60% from its maximum in early 2007. Similar for US coal consumption:

25% of coal mining workers had lost their jobs by the end of Trump's first term. This election they decided not to endorse a presidential candidate.

Sadly, their job losses will no doubt continue. Good news for the climate (relatively) but bad news for families, towns and regions. Politicians seems to have little interest in retraining programs. When Hillary Clinton labeled an entire group "deplorables," she proposed a $30 billion retraining program at the same time. Guess which got the headlines.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Wild Story Behind the Discovery of Brainwaves

This year is the centennial anniversary of the invention of electroencephalography (EEG) by Hans Berger, a German psychiatrist. The story of his motivation is wild:

After attending Casimirianum, where he gained his abitur in 1892, Berger enrolled as a mathematics student at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena with the intention of becoming an astronomer. After one semester, he abandoned his studies and enlisted for a year of service in the cavalry. During a training exercise, his horse suddenly reared, and he landed in the path of a horse-drawn cannon. The driver of the artillery battery halted the horses in time, leaving the young Berger shaken but with no serious injuries. His sister, at home many kilometres away, had a feeling he was in danger and insisted their father telegram him. The incident made such an impression on Berger that, years later in 1940, he wrote: "It was a case of spontaneous telepathy in which at a time of mortal danger, and as I contemplated certain death, I transmitted my thoughts, while my sister, who was particularly close to me, acted as the receiver."

Monday, November 25, 2024


Too busy to post much of anything through the end of the month. Meanwhile there's this:

Saturday, November 23, 2024

My Team Sucks, But....

My Pittsburgh Penguins are really lousy this year, even worse than the prior two seasons:

but they're worth watching just to see what Sidney Crosby does every night, like this game-winning goal in overtime:

Thursday, November 21, 2024

October and Annual Update for Berkeley Earth: about 1.6°C

Some interesting graphs.

The surge in 2023 and then 2024 really is extraordinary. For the month:

and for their entire record:

Here's BE's prediction for the year: well above 1.5°C.

2025 is going to be very interesting. Will its temperature anomaly stay aloft like 2023 and 2024, or will it decline three- or four-tenths of a degree Celsius? It will likely depend on the ENSO-state, but the last ENSO prediction I saw had significantly lower probabilities of a La Nina emerging by September.... 

Two days ago the International Research Institute for Climate and Society at Columbia University issued its latest November 2024 ENSO Forecast (emphasis mine):
According to the ENSO forecast issued by the IRI in November 2024, ENSO-neutral conditions are favored (52% probability) for Nov-Jan 2025, while the likelihood of La Niña emerging has decreased to 48%. For December-February 2025, the probability of sea surface temperatures reaching La Niña thresholds is 50%, while the likelihood of ENSO-neutral conditions is estimated at 49%. From Jan-Mar 2025 to the end of the forecast period in Jul-Sep 2025, ENSO-neutral conditions are favored, with probabilities ranging from 51% to 77%, while La Niña probabilities during the same period are estimated between 18% and 42%. The probability of El Niño remains very low throughout the forecast period, staying below 10% until April-June 2025, and gradually increasing to 24% by Jul-Sep 2025.... 

A Few Things I've Noticed Lately

The difference between the melting point and boiling point of Xenon is only 4.7°C.

In the US, most kids born to non-college-educated parents are now born outside marriage.

More than 30% of the global land area now sees monthly temperatures above the two-sigma statistical level in any given year, up from about 1% in 1950. (Robinson+ Nature 2021, Figure 1a.)

"'We're concerned': Walmart, Lowe's among latest companies to warn Trump tariffs could raise product costs" (Yahoo Finance).

I just checked something on a weekly spreadsheet I keep. During Trump's first term, the average real price of gasoline in the US was $3.10. That was the nominal price adjusted weekly for inflation, using the interpolated Consumer Price Index. By now that's $3.724 in this week's dollars. The average real price under Biden so far is...$3.718.

"Early in the pandemic, people living near oil and gas wells experienced higher rates of COVID-19 and related mortality compared with those with no exposure to well pollution." (Eos)
In communities within 0.6 mile (1 kilometer) of an actively producing well, COVID-19 cases were 34% higher and mortality rates were 55% higher in the first 4 months of the pandemic. Though the results did not show a significant association between well production and COVID-19 cases over the entire year, mortality rates were higher in the areas with the highest production. 
"Few Minerals Are Named for Women - New research shows that less than 3% of all minerals are named after women, and progress has stalled since 1985." (Eos)
Emproto and his colleagues found that of the 2,738 minerals named for people, those named for men outnumbered those named for women by more than 15 to 1....

Because the number of women entering the geosciences has almost doubled since 1985, the group expected the number of minerals named after women to have also risen steadily. However, they saw that the increase in the rate that minerals were being named after women slowed significantly after around 1985. In the years since, women’s representation has plateaued at about 10% for new mineral namesakes each year....

Boulton said she suspects this effect might be related to fewer women being afforded positions in which they are more likely to have minerals named after them. Although most mineral eponyms were named for scientists, no minerals were named after graduate students and, on average, people were 60 years old when they had a mineral named for them. “Even now, it’s much harder for women to become senior scientists and to stay senior scientists,” she said....

According to the study’s findings, naming trends are variable worldwide. For example, Russian women account for about 43% of all women honored with mineral names, despite Russians constituting less than 15% of all mineral namesakes. Americans account for 16% of minerals named after women.

Emproto said that the large representation of Russian women likely reflects the Soviet Union’s emphasis on women’s participation in sciences."

Sunday, November 17, 2024

4 of 6 Projections Have Annual Temperature Above 1.5°C

Projections for the annual global temperature anomaly from six different groups, via Zeke Hausfather at Skeptical Science. All will be the warmest year in their data record. Doubt it will make any difference to the deniers.

Thanks to commentator EM.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Copernicus: 2024 Likely First Year Above 1.5°C

 October's temperature anomaly, relative to 1850-1990, from Copernicus:

For annual temperatures. 2024 is through October; year-to-date anomaly=1.59°C. This will likely be the first year the annual temperature is above 1.5°C. (Last year it was 1.48°C.) Nov24 and Dec24 have to average 1.06°C or higher for the year to be 1.5°C. Seems very likely.

I wish they wouldn't color the tops (halfway through and higher) with darker orange, bordering on red; it biases the view. Just use one solid color and let us draw our own conclusions. 

Tuesday, November 05, 2024

Betting Market Doesn't Look Good

8:29 pm Eastern time:

Who's Winning the Election ?!?

I'm thinking that the best way to gauge the presidential election in real time might by following the betting markets. After all, these traders are buying and selling in real time based on whatever scraps of information (or rumors or gossip or misinformation) they can find. These markets were skewed for the last few weeks because some big buyers ("whales") were buying a lot of Trump shares, raising the price dramatically (and, some think, giving Trump another excuse to dispute the election). But now that it's push-come-to-shove that should be over and they're looking to make money based on reality and the whatever "information" is available to them.

With that, here's how the PredictIt Presidential Market has been going today. Trump is up, but the difference is now trending down.

Of course, the site has their own graph which is updated in real time:

More Map Porn

This circle holds half the world's population (of humans):

Monday, November 04, 2024

Young Voters Discover Trump is a Piece of Sh!t.

Here is longer audio of the Trump "grab her by the pussy." I've never heard this before, from the beginning.
Yes, people do lots of things for love & sex. Not all are the proudest moment of our lives. But most of us don't assault people. And who the F brags about it like this if they do?? And to the media, of all places.
Anyway I feel I have to post this because I've never heard it before. It's upsetting young Gen Z people who are voting for the first time but never knew this it should. 

What woman or Christian could vote for this piece of shit? Or any man who cares about women? I just don't get it. I don't understand what's happening in that half of America.
Watch on TikTok

Sunday, November 03, 2024

The Scale of Lake Powell (3 mm = 1 BL)

 The other day I noticed that the level (elevation) of Lake Powell in the US changed by 0.01 ft:

I thought it would be fun to see how much water is in the 0.01 ft (= 3 mm). Subtracting the contents gives

785 acre-feet 
= 970,000 m3 
= 0.97 Mm3 
= 260 M gallons 
= 968 ML. 
≈ 1 billion liters

where L=liter. (using little L -- "l" -- for liter can get confusing).

So a water rise of 3 millimeters is about a billion liters of water. 

(I assumed vertical edges on the lake, so I can approximate the rise as a being in a box with nice vertical edges. But probably not a good assumption for more than that.)

PS: It's Excel's fault if I made any calculation errors. It always is. 

Saturday, November 02, 2024

Stupidity in America

The US has done much better after getting out of the Trump depression than most other countries:

Yes, Trump and his stupidity are responsible for the 1Q20 to 3Q20. Biden wasn't even elected until 4Q20 and didn't take office until 1Q21. 

It's all on Trump. His MAGA supporters really are too stupid to understand this. Simple data and they can't understand it. Or how well the Biden economy has done post 1Q21 when he was sworn in. 

Shear stupidity, nothing but, is going to drive a stake into the heart of America. Just watch. It's already happening. Stupid people who just can't think.

Maybe we deserve it. Probably, This country is a complete mess.

Friday, November 01, 2024

"I Can Fix Stupid"

Things are really starting to get crazy in parts of America:

A regional public health department in Idaho has outright banned COVID-19 jabs, the Associated Press reported Friday. The Southwest District Health Department board, which governs six counties along the Idaho-Oregon border, voted 4-3 against the recommendations of the district’s medical director, Dr. Perry Jansen. “Our request of the board is that we would be able to carry and offer those [vaccines], recognizing that we always have these discussions of risks and benefits,” Jansen said at the meeting last month. “This is not a blind, everybody-gets-a-shot approach. This is a thoughtful approach.” The ban appears to be the first such instance of a U.S. governmental body blocking inoculations, the AP noted.

If I'm reading this correctly, a local state clinic in the state of Idaho will no longer vaccinate people against COVID. 

Because they can't understand the difference between science and conspiracies. This is medieval.

I saw a little cartoon a few years ago. A woman in it says, "You can't fix stupid." A COVID virus replies to her, "I can fix stupid." 

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Canada is Kinda Weird

This is a little old, but here's a map of Canada divided into four areas of equal populations, about 8.6 million each. (Canada's total population in 2024 is 41.0 million.) About the same as Virginia in the US.... It's almost like Canadians want to be as far south (warm) as possible, given their national border. Except for the yellow Canadians. Probably like Alaskans... Anyway, I think Canada has about the right-size population for a decent country--not too many, not too few. Maybe a bit too many though. 

Nota bene: But Canadians aren't weird! I've never met a Canadian who wasn't a nice person. (Traveled there a lot for work in 1993-94.)

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Mental Health and Society

“Mental health cannot be defined in terms of the 'adjustment' of the individual to his society, but, on the other hand, that it must be defined in terms of the society to the needs of man, of its role in furthering or hindering the development of mental health. Whether or not the individual is healthy, is primarily not an individual matter, but depends on the structure of his society.”

-- Erich Fromm

Friday, October 25, 2024

Climate News I've Seen (esp the third)

There's too much climate news to keep track of anymore, but here are a few recent items I've come across:

  • Students are now required to take a course in climate change in order to graduate from the University of California at San Diego. Forty different versions that meet the requirement will be offered. The article says, " least 30% of a course's content must be related to climate, and the class must address two of these areas: scientific foundations, human impacts, mitigation strategies, and project-based learning." I'd choose scientific foundations and mitigation strategies, but that's just for me. Irrelevant fact: I took Introduction to Statistics from the psychology department to fulfill my college's social science requirement. I knew most of it from high school. It wasn't a good choice, in retrospect, as I took very few "soft" courses in college; it was almost all math & physics

  • The Independent: "...hurricanes as intense as Helene, which were once expected to occur every 130 years, are now likely to happen every 53 years – about 2.5 times more frequently." 
    • "A separate analysis of Helene last week by Department of Energy Lawrence Berkeley National Lab scientists determined that the climate crisis caused 50 per cent more rainfall in some parts of Georgia and the Carolinas, and that observed rainfall was “made up to 20 times more likely in these areas because of global warming."

  • Advanced Civilizations Will Overheat Their Planets Within 1,000 Years
    • "Earth’s average global temperatures have been steadily increasing since the Industrial Revolution. Depending on the extent of temperature increases, the impact on Earth’s habitability could be catastrophic. In a recent study, a team of scientists examined how temperature increases are a long-term issue facing advanced civilizations and not just a matter of fossil fuel consumption. As they argue, rising planetary temperatures could be an inevitable result of the exponential growth of energy consumption. Their findings could have serious implications for astrobiology and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI)."
    • Here's a preprint of the study: "Waste Heat and Habitability: Constraints from Technological Energy Consumption," Amedeo Balbi et al, arXiv 9-Sept-2024. The analysis is very simple physics. Here's a key figure:
    • Mind, this has nothing to do with fossil fuels. It's only about how much power the planet uses--could be solar, could be nuclear (fission or fusion), geothermal, FFs -- because the problem is waste heat from the machines run by our power sources, not the type of power sources.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

"They're Made of Meat"

"They're Made of Meat" is a sci-fi short story by Terry Bisson, written in 1991. It only takes about 4 minutes to read. I thought it was very good, but that's all I'm going to say. You might like it too.

There's also a short audio play that takes about the same amount of time to listen to. Also good, IMO.

Oganesson (Z=118)

"For me, it is an honour. The discovery of element 118 was by scientists at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Russia and at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the US, and it was my colleagues who proposed the name oganesson. My children and grandchildren have been living in the US for decades, but my daughter wrote to me to say that she did not sleep the night she heard because she was crying."

— Yuri Oganessian, for whom element 118 is named

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

SpaceX's Slanted Descent

I hadn't realized how slanted/sideways the SpaceX booster descent was before it was flew into the catching arms of the tower:

Here's a couple of YouTube Shorts that have a broader view. Unfortunately they're not embeddable (I think).

These booster landings still never look real to me, but always like something out of a movie. Maybe that's what progress always looks like.

And whoever came up with the idea of including the cheering crowd of employees on SpaceX videos is a public relations master. Why didn't NASA ever do that? Maybe their skinny neckties were too tight.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Another View of Kamala Harris's Plunge

Here's another view--a stark view--of Kamala Harris's plunge on the PredictIt Presidential Election market. It shows the difference between the share price of Harris and the share price of Trump:

From +12¢ three weeks ago to -4¢ now. Stunning.

Here's how this market works. Basically, but shares in your candidate. If she/he wins the election, you get $1 per share. If she/he loses, you get nothing.

Kamala Harris Plunging in Election Market

Kamala Harris has plummeted in the PredictIt President Election market. Here are the prices per share for each candidate:

I really don't understand why. My guess is that she might be getting attention as a lightweight--doing very few interviews with the press, for example. Saying "nothing comes to mind" about what she would have different than Biden. Trump's insanity seems to be normalized by now, everyone thinks he's crazy but MAGA's kind of crazy. Harris has to go at him much harder

I don't understand this sudden plunge and it's very worrisome. Two weeks ago she was up 56-47. A week ago was up 54-50, and it felt like she was on track to win the election. Now she's down 49-53. I just don't get it. 

Of course I don't understand has any person in the US could vote for Trump. This country is a mess and could well get a lot messier.

Friday, October 11, 2024

The Same as First Grade

“When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same.”

-- Donald Trump, 2015, via the New York Times
For non-Americans, first grade in the US is ages 6-7.


"When hatred serves as a dimension of self-realization, the illusion of righteousness is easy to create."

-- Howard Thurman

Wednesday, October 09, 2024


From the NY Times, two days ago:

Also from a few days ago, the blackout caused by Helene:

Sunday, October 06, 2024

Next Up: Cat 3 Hurricane Milton

Here we go again: Hurricane Milton is set to hit Florida as a Category 3

Milton Cone, Tampa Bay Times

The Tampa Bay Times calls this "life-threatening." 

Millions of Floridians along the Gulf Coast could be told to leave, and officials in Tampa Bay are warning the storm could be far worse than Helene. Sewage systems and power could be out for weeks.

Schools are closing. Governor expands state of emergency. Meanwhile, "Hurricane Helene overwhelms Tampa Bay cities and haulers."

Are there any countries more prone to natural disasters than the US? We have it all -- hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, wildfires, extreme heat events. Of course, the US is very big and small countries can't be expected to match us in total. What about per unit area? Earthquakes in Turkey? Heat in India? Cold in Russia? 

Thursday, October 03, 2024

More of Helene's Mess

Sorry, but I'm still a little obsessed with the aftermath of Hurricane Helene in North Carolina, as I explained a few days ago

It's such a beautiful region. They mountains are layered, each one higher than the one in front of it. The highest is Clingman's Dome in the Smokey Mountains, 6644 ft in elevation (2025 m). Not high enough to feel a lack of oxygen, but high enough to not feel part of the real world. 

You know, I think I'm getting a better understanding of what's going on there from Facebook Reels and YouTube Shorts and Insta than any network news programs. It's raw and it's personal without all the pretty people in makeup.

This guy says it's worse than a Middle East war zone and there's no coming back. He and his family are moving:

(Sorry, these shorts aren't embeddable, and sometimes barely connectable. Sometimes you have to unmute the video and then hit your up-volume key to get audio.)

More grim:

It seems everyone has trucks, a good thing at a time like this.

Here's a NY Times article that will make you think:

The People Fleeing Climate Disasters Are Going to Transform the American South

The link should be free, I think.

"Last week, warning about the imminent arrival of Hurricane Helene, the National Weather Service in Tallahassee, Fla., used the word “unsurvivable.”

And yet the storm seemed to take much of the country by surprise."

Sleeping Through Hurricane Helene

In this last link, to his credit, David Wallace-Wells points out that these kinds of storms have hit this area before:

Helene gives one vision of the future, with the storm scarring a whole region and imposing perhaps a decade of recovery. But in truth, as extraordinary as its devastation might seem, this kind of flooding in this kind of setting was not unthinkable or, for that matter, even unprecedented. Indeed, it happened in western North Carolina in 1916, and Hurricanes Camille (1969) and Agnes (1972) offered additional cautionary tales. 

Some of the families in those mountains have been there for a century, generation after generation. (They can be quite xenophobic in that region, too, as I learned on the Appalachian Trail.) They won't leave, but will rebuild as best they can. But some people aren't going to be able to dig out and start again. They're the ones with a little more money, more options, probably not native to the region. They're not barely getting by. Ironic that the very poor are the ones who will survive there and stay there. Reminds me of the Middle East, with all its turmoil. People with deep roots respect them. Sometimes I think I should have respected mine too.

Hot Springs, NC damage

(sorry, no embed available)

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Blast from the Past (Re: Roy Spencer)

Remember when Roy Spencer was the kind of denier who invented an unscientific and arbitrary fit to the data just to imply there was a decline? 

We stopped that real quick, pointing out that his entertainment implied the world would end in January 2171. 

He got the message and ended his "entertaining third-order polynomial." Shame when you have to teach a scientist how to be scientific. 

Of course, there has been a lot of warming since.


An "entertaining" thought: how many people did climate denialists kill via Hurricane Helene? Say, to the nearest factor of 10 human beings? Too soon to ask?

Hurricane Helene

I'm perfectly happy to wait until professional climatologists present their verdict on climate change and Hurricane Helene, the hurricane that slammed into northwestern Florida a few days ago, but it's hard to imagine it wasn't a factor. It struck Florida as a Category Four hurricane--only two years after the Category 5 hurricane Ian tore close to Helene's path, and did a huge amount of damage there, and Georgia and, especially it seems, in western North Carolina. 

I'm OK with waiting because I lived through the aftermath of Hurricane Agnes in June 1972, which hit Pennsylvania especially hard. That storm caused 128 deaths, 50 of them in Pennsylvania, where I grew up. (Adjusting for population, 128 deaths then would be the equivalent of approximately 206 today, if you adjust for population.) About Agnes in Pennsylvania, here's what Wiki says:

Though Agnes made landfall as a hurricane [in Florida], no reports of hurricane-force winds exist....

In Pennsylvania, heavy rainfall was reported, with much of the state experiencing more than 7 inches (180 mm) of precipitation. Furthermore, a large swath of rainfall exceeding 10 inches (250 mm) was reported in the central part of the state. Overall, the rains peaked at 19 inches (480 mm) in the western portions of Schuylkill County. As a result, Agnes is listed as the wettest tropical cyclone on record for the state of Pennsylvania. Overall, more than 100,000 people were forced to leave their homes due to flooding. The Allegheny River reached above flood stage at several low-lying locations and at some places rose about 7 in (180 mm) per hour during the height of the storm. Additionally, the Susquehanna River threatened to reach record crests along its course.[42] Some buildings were under 13 ft (4.0 m) of water in Harrisburg. At the Governor's Mansion, the first floor was submerged by flood waters. Governor Milton Shapp and his wife Muriel had to be evacuated by boat due to flooding.
Our little white wooden house--which didn't even have a bathroom, just a toilet under the stairs and a rusty shower in the coal cellar--had a pretty stream that went along two sides of our big yard. It was great for messing in for hours, catching crabs (crayfish), shooting the legs of water skippers off with BB guns (if you shot two legs off one side it could only go in a circle), throwing your puppy in on a cold winter day, that kind of thing. But it must have worried my mom to death because after big rains it would become a roiling brown deluge about 20 yards wide, not too far from our backdoor then curling around and across the bottom of the yard. Kids were always outside then, unsupervised, so she had to have worried one or more or her kids or others' kids or both might get swept away.

For Hurricane Agnes, the creek ("crick" where I grew up) went up over its bank and flooded most of your yard. Our lawn furniture was swept away, as was a swing set. We were standing around watching it and my grandmother said to my dad's uncle, you better get that [Volkswagon] Beetle out of the driveway before it floats away! For some reason they never spoke again after that incident. There must have been bad blood going into it.

I was just a kid so I didn't really understand the extent of the damage, which was over the entire region and other parts of the state. Downstream a few miles from us it wiped out a Mennonite community, so afterward the state brought bulldozers in, scraped the creek clean and piled the rocks up on the side.

Was Hurricane Agnes affected by climate change? I don't know. It was 1972, when CO2 was only 328 ppm. So what does that say about Hurricane Helene? I don't think we know yet until climate scientists run their models with and without the effect of today's added CO2. I suspect those will be coming in due course. But sea surface temperatures in the Gulf of Mexico were higher, so there must have been at least some impact. But clearly there have been greater or equal storm when CO2 was much lower. 

Helene's damage in Florida is bad enough, but western North Carolina looks worse than a war zone and it's possible to imagine it might never come back full. 
It's such a beautiful area. In 1996 I hiked the Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Massachusetts (sprained my ankle 1/4th of the way and only made it 2/3rds of the entire trail), and there are so many pretty towns way up in westernmost North Carolina, some of which the Trail runs down main street: Franklin NC, Hot Springs NC, Damascus VA all of which we took a day or three off in and which I have great memories of.

Here's Hot Springs; the Appalachian Trail runs right down this street:

I had maybe the best day of my life there, thanks to heavy hiking the days before, nothing but rest and eating on a beautiful early spring day with green buds coming out, several of our friends there at the same time, four fun white kittens on the back porch of the B&B we stayed at, a big cozy bed and a major shot of testesterone due to having lost 30 pounds in 30 days. (It affected all the men the same, my girlfriend said her trail girlfriends told her.)

The mountains there are so beautiful. A couple are over 6,000 ft in elevation (1,830 m). Not huge compared to the Alps and the western US and the Himalayas. But they are flooded with green, and snow, and hiking them for an extended period was like living in a cloud no one else ever saw.

I'm sad other hikers might not get to experience Hot Springs in the same way. There have to be huge blowdowns over the trail in that entire region. Yesterday the director of the Appalachian Trail Conference said it may be years until the Trail is back in shape. It probably won't deter hikers planning to start in Georgia in the spring, but there could be lots or erosion and damage way up there in the mountains.

The people way up in those mountains usually don't have much money and are very unlikely to have flood insurance. Many may have lost everything they own and will simply not have a house to go back to. One day you think you're living in paradise and the next day it's entirely gone.

I've never been to Asheville NC, but it's such a well known place now after attracting a lot of breweries and artists and businesspeople and progressives and good people in the last few decades. It might be worst of all. People haven't even been able to get in or out of town, though that's probably taken care of, in part, by today. There's almost no gas, I saw a video of a casket floating down a flooded stream, no electricity, the entire River Arts District was wiped away.

Predictably, Trump is already telling obnoxious lies about it about President Biden's response to the storm.

Anyway, this is what I'm thinking yesterday and today. If I didn't have to work I have half a mind to drive across the country and help out there in whatever way I could.

Added a couple hours later: Of course I’m aware of the impacts of climate change in other parts of the world: in Bangladesh, where the area affected by the encroaching ocean has increased by a factor of over 12 from 1973 to 2009, in western and Canadian wildfires, in Africa, where climate change is costing up to 5% of GDP, etc. It’s just that it really hits home when its somewhere you love or know well. Obviously.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

7th lowest Arctic Sea Ice Minimum

The annual minimum in Arctic sea ice extent is 7th-lowest in the 46-year old record. It looks early too.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Awesome Graphs of the Last 485 Myrs of Earth's Climate

A paper in this week's issue of Science by Judd et al has a reconstruction of the lasts 485 million years of Earth's climate (click to enlarge):

(Click to enlarge)

I haven't had time to read the paper yet, but I'll try to this weekend. Anyway these is pretty cool big science.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Methane Rising

I haven't followed methane much because I couldn't find a good data source, but now I have, from NASA. And even better source is the Global Carbon Project, which is updated every 7.6 days. 

After that weird lull in the mid-aughts, methane is on the rise again and is the highest it's been in 800,000 years.  

Methane's radiative forcing has increased by about 0.4 W/m2 since 1979, while CO2's has jumped about 1.6 W/m2 in the same interval.

This page has formulas for calculating radiative forcing for the major greenhouse gases. 

Global radiative forcing has increased by about 50% (as of 2022) just since 1990. Here, "AGGI" is the ratio of radiative forcing to what it was in 1990. 

It's incredible that the world, despite all the rhetoric and (token) efforts, keeps allowing this to happen. Clearly, I think, these trends will only be taken seriously once some catastrophic effects happen, and by then it will be too late. So human and we can't even help ourselves.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Ocean Acidification Projections

The other day I gave the data on global ocean acidification, which I'm reproducing below. But first, here are the projections from the IPCC AR6 (WG1 Figure SPM.8c p22 of SPM):

On the top figure, the black line is the data, which matches the bottom. Of the two projections, maybe SSP2-4.5 is the most likely, with SSP3-7.0 if we're naughty. So a pH decline of about 0.15 by 2100, maybe 0.35. 

[The "4.5" and "7.0" represents the total forcing from...everything, in Watts/m2. The AR6 WG1 was published on 9 August 2021.]

And these curves don't stop declining after 2100.

I don't know if a pH decline of 0.35 in a century is large for aquatic animals or not. I suspect they've gotten used to a pretty stable pH over the Holocene. I don't know a lot about this subject, which I've seen people write is "the other global warming problem."

Comments welcome, especially from fish and other ocean dwellers.