Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Coming Total Solar Eclipse

This will be good: a total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017 that passes over much of the US:

The "GE" marker is the point of greatest eclipse -- essentially the point of greatest duration. Click here to zero in on the exact path, and to find the exact time and duration at any point:

But all of the US and Canada will see at least a partial eclipse:

It will be a quick eclipse: only 2 min 40 sec at the greatest eclipse (the theoretical maximum duration for a TSE is about 7 minutes). It's sure to get a lot of attention, because it will be total in places like Salem OR (but not Portland), Lincoln Nebraska, Kansas City, St Louis (barely), Nashville, and Charleston SC, and partial everywhere else in the US & Canada.

Can't wait.

PS: Is that a great site by NASA, or what?

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