Thursday, June 08, 2006


In light of this post by Andrew Sullivan, I was thinking that maybe I hated Ann Coulter, but examining my feelings more deeply I realize I just feel sorry for her. She's a fairly pathetic creature, forced to come out with yet more outrageous statements all the time just to keep her face in the media and to maintain her book sales going. As Rick Moran wrote (link here), it's not rhetoric that advances an argument, it's just intended to hurt people's feelings. That has got to be a soul-crushing kind of existence for any person--even Coulter.

Sometimes when my bank account is scrapping bottom I think it would be easy to make money by writing about the skeptical side of global warming or stem cells for National Review, TechCentral Station, Human Events Online, or one of those kind of places. Such articles would take little effort and be easy money. I could write a book that would be published by one of those houses like Regency Press, where all the conservative authors go to have their work published--presumably because no one else will have them. Even Ramesh Ponnuru, whom I bet likes to think of himself as a refined, decent kind of conservative, had to have his work published there. (That was where Ben Domenesch, the Washington Post plagarizer, worked--I think he worked on Michelle Malkin's book. She's another one who you really have to wonder how she faces herself in the mirror at night. Most troubling of all, she probably has little problems with it.)

It's one thing to have an honest agreement with the IPCC or with liberalism or with whatever group who happens to think differently than you. But to have to demonize the other side just to sell your wares cannot be good for one's life-force. I know I couldn't do it.

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